Tuesday, January 31, 2023

94. "The Last Breakfast", Part 2

As we finished our last study, we had been reading of the miraculous draught of fish which seemed finally, to open the eyes of at least one of Jesus' disciples, as we read in chapt. 21.5, "Therefore the disciple whom Jesus loved (we believe, John himself)...". And this is exactly what Holy Spirit has intended to be recorded by John all throughout his Gospel account. He had been involved in a number of "firsts" concerning Jesus' death and resurrection, so he seems to have had the greater discernment here, and his response to this last miracle of Jesus, even had it's effect upon "doubting" Peter, as we read in vs. 7, "So Peter...". 

The ever impetuous Peter, had jumped ship and was flailing through the deep water toward the beach, with his oil clothes around his waist! The very one who had decided they make a trip fishing...while Jesus waited for them on the mountain! But the other disciples, being a little more cautious, took time to get the skiff and haul the loaded net safely to shore...the last biblical record of these men ever being engaged in the fishing trade, ever again! They didn't realize it then, but others would soon be crewing the ship and setting the nets, while they, themselves, were to become true "fishers of men". 

Well in vs. 9 we read, "When they arrived at shore...". Can we even begin to imagine how Jesus feels toward those who love Him? Even when we might brush Him aside, or run ahead of Him, or get a little lazy in our commitment toward Him? He's compassionate and He's merciful, and He's not only concerned for our eternal souls, but also for our mortal flesh! As we read in Psalm 103, "For He knows our frame, and He remembers that we are but dust"! He even knows when we're suffering hungry-pain!

"Did any of you guys have breakfast yet?" Apparently a cup of coffee and a toothpick is not good enough for our Lord! And it's not likely that He even needed food, but for His disciple's sake, provision was made for a seaside meal. The Lord cares for His own...I can truly attest to that, over and again, and I'm sure many of you can, as well. He wasn't too good to wash their dirty feet, nor was He too busy planning eternity-future, to take the time to feed His half-hearted friends. Don't think for a single moment that He does not see, or that He does not care!

Now just look at vs. 10. Jesus' first command to them had been to cast the net; His second was, "Bring Me some fish." We must realize that all our fish, do not all belong to us! And likewise, that the souls we catch for the Lord, are the Lord's...not ours. This lesson is so necessary in today's church...the Lord willingly gives to us what is rightfully His, while what we consider to be ours...our church house, our people, our deacons, our pastor, our new converts (our fish), all literally and without question or consideration, belong to Him! What those disciples had been given, rather than a bulge in their pocket books, was living proof of the blessing of the Lord on His obedient children! And He really is, and must be acknowledged as such...the Captain of the fleet of soul-fishers that are His church. 

Now notice in vs 11 that it had been Peter-the-impetuous who had landed the net, holding 153 great fishes. Back in vs. 6 we read that the other disciples together, had not been able to draw the net on their own, "for the multitude of fishes". But that was when they thought the fish belonged to them! Once Jesus had claimed His share of the fruits of their labour, the work had been taken out of it. Six men had not been able to accomplish in their own strength, what one of them could do by the word of the Lord! Peter was weaker than water, when back in chapt. 18.16, he "stood at the door without". But in the presence of the Prince of Power, he experienced the power of the Prince! I can't help but be reminded of Isaiah's precious prophecy as recorded in chapt. 40.29-31, which still bears the need for some personal contemplation!

How cautious are we as we approach our own work for the Lord? We must remember that our strength comes from Him, and that it is nothing of our own will and own way. I find it very humbling when I realize just how insignificant I am in this world, and I experience it all the time! This world would operate just fine without me even in it, because life's very continuation depends wholly on the pleasure of our Lord and God!

Now back in Luke 5, we have recorded another miraculous catch of fish, when the net had broken; and that net had broken in order that Jesus make His point that, "...from henceforth you shall catch men". There was no numbering that catch, and that was to be Peter's life's calling, though he didn't realize it then. In Luke's account, many of those fishes would have been lost, just as many today, who hear the truth, never receive and believe. But in the passage before us, the net being unbroken, those who were to be eventually counted for their faith would be found safe and secure in their Saviour's arms!

Now this bit is beautiful! His third command in this passage consists of a beautiful invitation to "Come and dine", and that's an invite that would be hard to refuse! Remember, those disciples still weren't completely sure that this was their Lord; and they didn't dare ask, so they aparently sat down in silence...no joyous reunion, here; no fanfare, and no anxious questions. Just, "Have a seat fellows...breakfast is ready!" And He took bread, and He took fish, and He surely dispensed His blessings as they sat and talked about the future. 

But notice that we're not told by John that Jesus gave thanks, as recorded of the last supper. Rather, Jesus acted in an altogether different way toward His disciples; now, His response to them was more distant, and neutral, and less personal, but perhaps less judgmental as well. He was in every sense, their Minister, and in a coming day, He will, as recorded by Luke in chapt. 12.37. "...gird Himself, and make (us) sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve (us)." His provision at that time, in a day to come, will be from "the tree of life", Rev. 2.7; and of the "hidden manna", Rev. 2.17...a feast fit for eternity!

I may have sung it before, but..."What a day that will be, when our Saviour we shall see...!", and we shall be called to "Come and dine" at the marriage supper of the Lamb!

Friday, January 27, 2023

93. "The Last Breakfast", John 21.1-14

Now as we begin this last chapter of the Gospel according to John, the last of four separate, but connected accounts of the life of our Lord, we need to recognize its deep, enduring significance. We see there, the disciples going to sea...the Lord, again absent from them; His sudden reappearance, and then, breakfast! But following that, His solemn charge to care for His church...the sheep of His flock, and finally, revelation talk! In chapt. 20, peace talks, but now, final lessons in discipleship. 

What we see first in this chapter should be of no surprise to us at all, by this time...Peter's concern for the things of this world, and the other disciples' willingness to follow him; secondly, their failure, due to their lack of spiritual discernment; and third, their submission to their Lord's call for obedience. Then, His gracious provision of a highliner catch of fish...His last recorded Gospel miracle, performed for those disobedient disciples; next, in the last section of the chapter, Jesus' teaching on the proper motivation for service, for Believers in any age...their love for God, and their love for others. And finally, their eventual reunion in eternity!

Remember that back in chapt. 20.21-23, Jesus had appeared to the eleven disciples, communicating His will to them, commissioning them for service, and commanding their obedience....now, all those disciples had to do, was comply! But rather, "I go fishing", with the others' ready agreement... "Let's do it!" I wonder, if Peter had said, "I go witnessing", or "I go preaching", or, "I go to the mission field", whether the response would have been quite as eager? 

But let's get back to 21.1, "After these things...", Jesus made an appearance to a few of His disciples together...this time on the edge of the Sea of Tiberias, or Gallilee. Back in Matthew 28.10, we read that Jesus had earlier said to them, "Don't be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Gallilee and there they will see Me." So they had indeed gathered, but certaintly not at the appointed meeting place. In Matthew's account, Jesus had appointed a particular mountain, which was to be the place of gathering, so once again, they had missed the mark. 

As John has recorded, Peter being Peter, had decided to take a small detour, and it wasn't long before he and the six who were with him had found and launched a boat, and were fishing. Of couse we know that the Lord had promised, as we read in Mark 1.17, that they would become fishers of men, but on this occasion, they couldn't even catch fish! You just have to wonder where their hearts were, both before they rode off the rails, and now, having just spent the entire night with nary a nibble!

But, then came the morning...and Jesus stood on the shore! What a promise there is for us, there in that fourth verse! We experience a good many dark, empty nights during our nights upon this earth...no hope, no joy, no fruit and no fish. Those disciples were down and out on their luck, and even moreso in their dependence upon Jesus. They had exercised their natural skills, and had experienced another "broker" for their efforts; and they had ignored their spiritual calling to begin, even in the absence of their Master, to "fish" the souls of men for salvation! And now, when they saw Jesus waiting on the shore, they "knew not" that it was Him. 

Oh, when we fail to see the forest, when the trees get in the way. There was Jesus, Who they had been told would be waiting for them on the mountaintop; of course, He was very soon now to be found, as on that very day, with them in Spirit, wherever they happened to be, and regardless of the situation. When you least expect Him perhaps, He draws near to us without our even realizing it. Even when, like those seven wayward disciples, we're living in the flesh, or following the wrong leader, He's just that close! When we're "otherwise occupied", would be a very good time to put on our spiritual bi-focals, because these things are written for our learning. 

Now in vs. 5 we read, "then Jesus said to them...". Remember, Jesus knows all, including the fact that those hungry fishermen, having worked throughout the night, would be wanting their breakfast...but first, one more miracle. Before He gave them sustenance, He acknowledged their failure! Contrary to what your personal opinion may be, in the flesh, we have nothing but nothingness. We're for all the world like those poor, estranged disciples, rowing to the distant shore with nothing to show for our efforts but our sweat and our tears and our nothingness. But there He was, in the haven of their rest, ready and waiting to take them from zero to hero! 

As you might expect, Jesus' advice was simple enough, as recorded in vs. 6, "Just trust and obey." We might just as well face up to the Truth...Jesus is our Sovereign, and He expects to be obeyed as the Captain of our very souls. We might work our whole lives through, believing we have done just fine..and perhaps we have, from the world's perspective. But when you obediently turn your eyes upon Jesus, they're opened to entirely different ways and means...far removed from the world and its ways, you can be sure!

And finally, those disciples did exactly as they were told, by simple faith and simple obedience, with a great miracle resulting. Now notice from vs. 8, that Jesus had been one hundred yards distant, on the shore, yet they had clearly heard His instruction. So without even recognizing Him, they just knew that they just had to do what they had been told, if they had any hope at all for a paycheque. This is quite a lesson for "fringe-believers" who insist on believing in their own time, and in their own way. 

Now vs. 7, "Therefore...", finally, a demonstration of spiritual discernment! At least, "that disciple whom Jesus loved" knew that there was only One Who could ever be responsible for such a miracle as this, and just like the blind man in chapt. 9, "...immediately, his eyes were opened"! This is exactly in keeping with what Holy Spirit has had recorded about John, throughout all this Gospel record...the only disciple to be present at the cross, and the first of the eleven to accept Jesus' resurrection. It's no wonder that he had the greater discernment here, and his response must have startled them all into reaction. 

You know, I love John's insight here, and his loyalty to His Saviour in troubled times...but I've always had a soft spot for Peter, so full of bluster and beligerence! "Walk on water? I'm your man, Lord...I'll be right there!"  Or..."Crucified? Far be it from You, Lord...not on my watch!" But what a change once Holy Spirit, like a mighty, rushing wind filled him up, moving him to boldly proclaim to the multitude, "Therefore, let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that God has made this Jesus, Whom you crucified, both Lord, and Christ!" 

Don't peek ahead, now. We'll see more of him in our next lesson!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

92. "Jesus and Thomas", Pt. 2

Well you may recall that as we finished our last lesson, we left the eleven disciples in the upper room, grieving the loss of their Master. But there was a situation, and that situation had a name...Thomas the Doubter! You see, he had been absent when Jesus had suddenly appeared in the midst of the ten, and refused to accept the fact of His resurrection. For sure, he had heard the very own testimony of Jesus from His very own lips, that He would die, and rise again on the third day. But apparently, that prophecy had missed Thomas completely!

So now we read in John 20.26 that, "...after the passing of eight days, as the disciples, now including Thomas, were again gathered in the upper room, the doors again being shut, when Jesus again appeared in their midst." This was, perhaps, the next Sunday, but this time, no fear. Remember that on the previous occasion, Jesus had pronounced a blessing, as He did as well, on this occasion..."Peace be with you!"...and it appears that His earlier greeting to the ten had had the desired effect. 

Jesus is just so patient with the dull, and slow of heart and mind! He never puts us down, and He never sits us down, other than to teach us the plain truth concerning Himself. In case you hadn't noticed, the Lord has many unruly children in His family; many sluggish students in His school; many undisciplined soldiers in His army; and many lame sheep in His flock, but He bears with us all! And when He tells us, "Peace be unto you", our faith should rebound with a vengeance!

Now , including vs. 19 and vs. 21, this constitutes the third time that Jesus had given the disciples this "peace sign", so there's little doubt, as I've said before, that it's peace that our Lord wants His disciples to experience. And in this case, it was peace that Thomas needed the most; this is one of the very principles of the faith...the very ground upon which peace stands...our trust in the very death and resurrection of the Son of God. And it's that same grace which must recover us as well, from our own weakness, by the overwhelming realization that what Jesus did, He did for you and me!

So here Thomas stood in the presence of the very One Who had died...for him! And with a standing invite to witness for himself, the power of resurrection...and Thomas was completely overcome. You know, we need to be more conscious of the presence of the living Lord in our own lives. Remember, He's as well acquainted with us as He was with Thomas, but are we any better aquainted with Him? We need to take special note of Jesus' command to Thomas at the end of vs. 27, to "...be not faithless, but believing...", which certainly applies to you and me, just as it did to Thomas. And then, in vs. 28, we have this unforgettable response to Jesus, as Thomas became truly converted from a true doubter to a true Believer! And take notice that his is the most decisive confession of any of the other disciples, at any other time or place...no desire anymore, to touch his Lord's hands and His side, but just to worship. Now there's a lesson in repentance!

You may not realize it, but this is the one and only time in all the four Gospels that anyone ever owned Christ to be God. And you can be sure that when we meet Him in the air, we'll have the same response, and His "Peace be unto you" greeting will be the most blessed word that you will ever hear! This has to be one of the greatest examples of grace at work, that we have in all of scripture. We know about the scoundrel thief on the cross next to our Lord; and we know of Nicodemus and Joseph, tenderly attending-to the Lord's body following His crucifiction; and of the women's bold approach at the tomb the following morning...and all their individual responses; but this has to be, by far, the most remarkable. Even hardened skeptics can be broken down by the personal knowledge and the personal experience of grace on your life!

Think back for a moment, of Elijah's meeting with the prophets of Baal, as recorded in 1 Kings 18. On the occasion of the contest between those pagan prophets and God's man on the ground, Elijah had called down fire from heaven to devour his sacrifice and more, and God had honoured him because of his great faith. But just notice the response of the pagan idol worshippers of Israel, at the great defeat of Baal, "...the Lord, He is God; the Lord, He is God!" This is one of the fundamental truths of the faith, that Jesus saves to the uttermost, all because of this one fantastic truth...He is Lord of Lords, and God of all, as the pagans of ancient Israel had finally acknowledged; as had Thomas, as He finally arrived at the point of belief. 

But take note as well, of vs. 29..."...Blessed are the many who have not seen Me, but have believed." That is the blessing that the millions who have come to Christ in faith since His ascension...even His future church, have and will own, as a result of this blessing of our Lord upon those who have believed without seeing! But it's also a pretty solid condemnation of those who are...even as those death-dealing Jews had...refusing to believe in their own Redeemer. Did you realize today, that this signifies an even greater blessing on us, than upon those Believers in Jesus' own day? Well there is, and that blessedness must be extended backward to the Old Testament saints, just as it has been forwarded to us!

You know, this is a precious word for the Believer. We have not yet seen Jesus in the flesh, so this is an explicit promise for us, of a certain reunion with the Captain of our souls, and an eternal blessing as well, for those yet to come to faith. But notice vs. 30. What we have in this sacred script is only a taste of the glory that was Jesus' life! As we read here, so many signs and wonders having been witnessed by those disciples of His, that The Book could never have contained them!

Just think how many miracles had been performed throughout those few years of ministry, but this record has been given us as more than an historical record of our Lord, but in order that the lost might see their lost estate, and be drawn to Christ in faith. And that He is the One written-of by the Old Testamant prophets...the One here proclaimed by believing Thomas as "Lord and God!"

Have you yet "decided to follow Jesus"? To take Him at His word, as the resurrected Lord over His creation? Maybe you are one of those who God has given to the Son, and have been rejecting His call on you. Well if so, know that He will persevere, and will not allow you peace until like Thomas, you acknowledge Him to be your own crucified, and resurrected Saviour!

Thursday, January 19, 2023

91. "Jesus and Thomas", John 20.24-31

In the previous lesson, we read of Jesus' appearance to the ten disciples, gathered in "the upper room" in fear for their lives, following the resurrection of Jesus; but in vs. 24, we note that Thomas was absent. Now we're not sure why, but from what he has told the others here, and what Jesus said to him when He appeared in the flesh before them, it was because of Thomas' unbelief...Thomas was a doubter!

Now Thomas is specifically mentioned in three different passages in this Gospel record...the first, of course, the account of his having joined up with Jesus' band of disciples. We can discern from what John has recorded, that he was kind of a "gloomy Gus"; a bit of a pessimist maybe, but not short on loyalty and devotion to His Teacher, as we especialy see from chapt. 11.16. By the time he finally appears in chapt. 21, we can't quite tell what's on His mind, other than the fact that he believes their Master was dead and buried for good, leaving he and the eleven to go back to their former occupations, like it or not.

As we well know, some of us handle death and loss a lot differently than others of us do. And it's not simply a matter of faith, either, although faith is certainly a consideration...it must be. But the fact is, that the thought of his Master on that cross had burned an image into his mind and upon his soul that he simply could not shake! All he could think of were the spikes driven into the Lord's hands and feet, and the spear being driven into His side, and the blood and the water, and the very life flowing out of Him! And he couldn't bear seeing his friends grieving, or being obliged to "talk it out", or to question their calling, or their glum plans for their future; and that, was that!

"But Thomas..."...regardless of what the others were going through, Thomas was missing, and apparently for his own self-centered reasons. That's what depression does, doesn't it...it causes you to focus sharply and unreasonably on your own being and doing. It may have its seeds in grief, or in anger, or in the unfairness of life, but whatever the cause, it controls you. 

However, while Thomas was about his own business, the other disciples were gathered in the upper room, in the evening, on Sunday...the very day of resurrection. And although it appears that John had believed the reports of the "Jesus-sightings, there was still some skepticism by others. I'm sure that each of those men had some pretty strong feelings going on...suspense, excitement, and anticipation of what would happen next, all mingled with that lingering fear! What a pity that Thomas had been missing from that first time of fellowship with his resurrected Lord.

You know, it's no mystery why when one of the brethren is out of fellowship with Jesus, he's out of fellowship with the saints as well. And when Believers are in fellowship with Jesus, they crave the fellowhip of the church..."no foresaking the assembling of ourselve together", Hebrews 10.25. So Thomas missed out on that first, and probly, best blessing of the Lord, upon His friends (John 20.21-23).

But notice from vs. 25, how the other ten disciples responded to Thomas' absence...no scolding, no cold shoulder, none of the "pride of life" displayed here, just an earnest desire to bring Thomas up-to-speed with what had taken place. They had been truly blest by the presence of the Saviour, and they wanted to share that blessing with their much loved brother. They had a heart for an unsettled saint, and they were very much aware that he needed to be anchored fast in faith. 

But delving deeper, we cannot help but consider the conditions for our own, and all faith. If you resolve to be a witness of the Truth that is Jesus, you need to be prepared to have your testimony rejected...and unbelief and dis-belief are all around us! That's why there is so little power demonstrated in the church today...because-of either a weak, or a non-existent faith; a care-less attitude toward the things of Christ; and a care-less attitude toward their Gospel calling. There are many who, having not seen, will not believe; but also many who profess belief, but have no wish to see! 

Here we can almost hear Thomas rejecting the testimony of his ten trustworthy brothers, witnessing to the resurrection of their Lord...men who had over the past three years, proven their loyalty and their trustworthiness and their truthfulness. But he stubbornly declared the obvious. "I do not believe, and I will not believe", until he faced the Saviour, and pawed-at His wounds! Now remember that Thomas had witnessed the resurrection of Lazarus, and others as well. And he had heard the Lord's prophecy of His own resurrection on the third day; and here, he presumes to set his own standard for faith...to see and to touch!

Suppose we had demanded to set the standard for our own faith! You perhaps had never considered the behaviour of Thomas in that light before. He could have turned around and left that upper room at any time, without so much as a backward glance! But we know that God the Father had chosen him, and given him to Jesus the Son, as Jesus had stated a number of times throughout this record. And Thomas' security lay in the promise of Jesus to Father God, that He would not allow anyone to snatch them away, nor would anyone snatch them from the Father's hand (10.27-29)!

And I trust that, if you were called by God the Father into faith, you know today, that the very promise of your Lord applies to you as well! Perhaps, in the millenia to come, you will have an opportunity to thank Jesus face-to-face, for His sure faith in your security...with no interest whatsoever at that point, in the necessity to touch His wounded hands and side! 

Whatever you do with the rest of your life in the Lord, do not keep secret, what God can do!

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

90. "Resurrection, Scene 2", Pt. 4

What a great God we have! Can you imagine? The very Lamb of God in His resurrected, glorified Flesh?! With the marks of death still upon Him...the very evidence that He will have, to show His brother and sister Jews in proof of His sacrifice for them, as well, when He returns in His glory! And the hard-won marks of His royal and priestly office, for eternity to come! How do you suppose those disciples must have felt when they finally recognized their Lord?     

Well as we've learned from the last few verses of our study, Mary had fallen at His feet and worshipped her Master; we're not told by John, how the men reacted in His presence, except that they were excited to tell Thomas all, upon his eventual return. Matthew records that they, as well, had fallen before Him in worship; Holy Spirit had provided Mark and Luke other details, likely to suit other purposes. But as we read here in John 20.20, they certainly were filled with gladness, as you can well imagine!

You know, Jesus has a work for disciples to do, and as long as they are discouraged and disheartened, or distracted or disilusioned, or any of those other dis's, they can never function as true disciples, as He would have them be...and are never truly able to serve Him, as He would be served. Those men were to be left behind when Jesus ascended, to do His will and His work, and in so-doing, would face all sorts of difficulties and discouragements...even unto death! And that's Jesus' way...first He receives you in, and then He sends you out. Salvation's road is along the way of service, and never think otherwise. If you are failing in your commission to work at reaping "the fields that are ripe unto harvest", then you're faltering in your calling! He has charged disciples (in every place and time), as stated in vs. 21 that, "As My Father has sent Me, so I send you!"

We must realize today that these words define the mission of every Believer. There's no way to fulfill your own personal commission if you wile away your time in the pursuit of your pleasure, rather than in the pursuit of your righteousnes, in doing what is right and good, in the Name of the Lord Jesus. What would Jesus say about your church, and your role in it today? Certainly, no one needs to tell you, because you know that He would be exactly the same in word and in deed today, as He has always been. In fact, this same apostle John, in his first letter to the churches has written that, "He who says he abides in (Christ) ought also to walk just as He walked."

Notice that in vs. 19, and repeated in vs. 21, Jesus greets them with the same Jewish blessing, as He shows them the wounds in His hands and side..."Peace be with you"! You know, peace doesn't come easily, nor does it come as a reward for faithful service. The truth is, you need to be at peace with God, and with the church, and with yourself, before you would even think of going out to practice the works of Christ amongst the wolves. You recall that Paul has given priority to the place of peace in His list of spiritual fruit, in Galatians 5. As we very well know, without peace within, we will never be able to stand against the prince of this world. Paul also warns us in Ephesians 6, that our feet must be "shod with peace", lest you step into Satan's snare of discontent, distress, or even disbelief! 

I have done a simple survey concerning the scriptural case for personal peace, with these briefly stated results...        In the Old Testament record, God identified the future covenant of peace that He would make with His people...David prayed for peace in the presence of his enemies; Isaiah prophesied of peace like a river; Jeremiah declared that there could never be peace in a world bound by sin; Ezekiel observed that people will always seek peace; Daniel confirmed that the "peace covenant" would be everlasting; angels, at the time of Jesus' birth, proclaimed "peace on earth"; Jesus, again in John 14.27, promised the twelve continuing peace upon His return to heaven; Paul has recorded in Romans about peace...how to get it and how to keep it; and in Ephesians, Phillipeans and Colossians, that Jesus does not just give us peace, but that He would be our Peace, and that we must..."Let the peace of God be the umpire of our hearts"! Truly, if you have no peace today, then "the Prince of Peace" has a work to do in you! 

Then to finish this portion of our study, we read a rather strange statement by Jesus, to the gathered ten, regarding the forgiveness and the retention of sins. Please read it carefully, yourself, understanding that this has an apostolic application, not intended for disciple-you and disciple-me. Even so, those disciples were not being empowered by Jesus to remove, or even to take away sins...even the Jews knew enough for that (Mark 2.7). 

All I can really say about Jesus' remark here, is that there's not a single occasion in either the record of Acts, or the Epistles, of an apostle having conferred on anyone, the forgiveness of sins. In fact, the contrary is clearly confirmed by Peter, in Acts 8.22, and even more explicitly by Paul, in Colossians 2.13. To clarify further, the terms of Jesus' commission of the disciples is very clearly given by Luke, in Acts 1.1-9, and also as a summary found at the end of the Gospel accounts of only Matthew and Mark.

These verses comprise a great summary of the essential features of the Christian faith. Because of the resurrection of our Lord, Believers have a new relationship with Father God, and with that, a new peace, a new blessing, a new privilege, a new vision, a new joy, a new commission, and a new creation! As Paul has recorded in 2 Corinthians 5.17. "Behold, old things are passed away, and all things have become new!" 

He must have been thinking resurrection thoughts. Indeed! 

Monday, January 16, 2023

89. "Resurrection, Scene Two", Pt. 3

Continuing with the theme of resurrection, we must remember that Jesus the Christ, was "the Firstfruits of those who sleep", as Paul has recorded. And continuing with our study of John, we read in vs. 17 that Mary, upon seeing her Lord in the Garden, supposed Him at first to be the gardener, but had begun to embrace Him when He finally revealed Himself to her. And Jesus stated, "Touch Me not, for I have not yet ascended to the Father...". All other aspects of His commission had been completed, and He was yet to return to the place of beginning. 

Now keep in mind that when Thomas finally met Jesus following His resurrection, Jesus invited him to touch Him, and even to thrust his hand into His open side, if need-be. But as for any speculation about Jesus' glorified body...as much as we may suppose, we can really only draw one conclusion...that it was just as much at home here upon earth, as it would be in Heaven! Whether walking the dusty roads of the Gallilee region, or sitting on the shore, breakfasting on fish with His disciples during those intervening forty days, or walking the golden avenues of the heavenly Jerusalem, preparing mansions for the faithful! 

Remember that Peter tells us the heavens will one day pass away in an uproar, and the earth will melt with a fervent heat, in preparation for the creation of the new heaven and new earth! Glorified indeed...no ordinary flesh and blood will survive that holocaust! When we "drop this robe of flesh and rise", as the hymn says...our gorified bodies will finally reflect the glory of Christ's own (insert another exclaimation mark, here please!)

And it was to Mary the faithful to whom He announced His soon-coming-going. Her faith in Him must have been great, and Jesus' love for her must have been great, for from that point forward, she would be a messenger of glad tidings of great joy...she will not be referred-to again in John's Gospel record. From that moment on, Jesus' sole task would be to prepare the eleven for their new role as apostles; they had spent three years with Him in ministry, and now they were about to be commissioned and filled for the difficult task awaiting them.

Mary's heart was completely absorbed with the sense of loss and grief she felt, having been completely devoted to the Healer of both body, and soul, as well as spirit. We may think that we are all that we can be, but the one whose heart is fixed on Him, is the one God fills to capacity. What about you, dear reader? Do you have a tender heart for Jesus? If you do, then you have a heart that Jesus will use. We can measure Mary's heart for the Lord, and the hearts of those eleven disciples, and our own hearts as well, by the limit, or the limitless bounds of our faith, love and obedience toward the Lord and His work. Stop and think about that right now, if you will.

That's where Mary was, right there in the Garden that day, and the disciples were not far behind her. You see, Jesus wanted them, and Mary, and us, to know that resurrection is the great equalizer, as He says there in vs. 17, "...I ascend to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God...". Although in that moment, Mary was separated from Jesus by her humanity and His divinity, there would be that great day coming, when she and He would truly fellowhip together in spirit and in truth! For now, she had a critical errand to perform, as Jesus commands her to run and tell His "brethren"...not that He was risen, but that He would be ascending to the Father. And she did-so...but Mark has recorded that as they received the news, they "mourned and wept", not yet believing it to be true!

You know, that is yet the response that many personal evangelists still  meet with...those who grieve more for some peceived loss, out of their own self-interest, rather than their sinful condition before the face of Creator God. Rather than joyfully believing and receiving, they continue to un-believe, in the One Who is able, and Who would, meet their needs...both physical and spiritual. The very ones you might expect to welcome the Good News of the resurrected and glorified Lord, as with those ten disciples, are often the very ones who hold out the longest. Go figure!

So we read in vs. 19 that, while the disciples cowered together behind closed doors later on that first weekday, "for fear of the Jews", Jesus appeared in their midst. And He commanded them to "Be at peace, because as the Father has sent Me to do His work, I am sending you to do My work. And then He breathed the Holy Spirit upon them". 

Wow...just WOW! This really had turned-out to be "the first Christian Sabbath (so-called), that first Resurrection Sunday, that first Easter (again, so-called). At any rate, those ten un-believing disciples were "assembled" away from the world and the worldly; no concern for their occupations or for their apostolic calling...just together, consoling and debriefing one another; discussing the horrible events of the past few days; trying to reconcile Mary's irrational story about a resurrection, as well as the very real risk to their own physical safety. The doors were closed, probly locked to all who didn't have the secret password, when of a sudden, there was Jesus in the midst of them! If the closed tomb hadn't contained Him, a closed door was no problem at all!

Remember in Acts 12, how when Peter had been imprisoned by Herod, no doubt for his preaching the resurrection of Christ, an angel had released him and led him away, so that Peter was able to return to the room where the Believers were gathered in prayer...for him. However, when he knocked on the door to gain entry, they refused him, believing he had already been executed, and that what they were seeing was his ghost! Well I can't begin to imagine what they must have thought about seeing Jesus, having miraculously entered a locked room. 

The resurrection body will indeed be a glorious thing to experience! And His word to them was one of quiet consolation, reassurance, and of course, commission to a far greater work than they had as yet ever experienced! Just think of the effect that must have had upon the hearts of those grieving men...Peter had denied Him, the others had forsaken Him, and for now, Thomas had gone on about his business. 

Have you ever been at a loss as to how , or what Jesus' commission is for you? If so, you can surely relate-to Peter and the others. So if you're tempted to say, "Shame on them", remember your own shortcomings...no, remember your own lack of faith, and your resistance to the commands of the Lord Jesus, and your neglect of the lost and the otherwise needy of this earth. Those men were only men, after all, and even though the Lord had "breathed Holy Spirit upon them", it would be many days hence before He would actually fill them up to overflowing with His own Spiritual Presence!

Why not take the time, right now, to stop and to pray for a renewed vision of your calling, and to be prepared for an answer from on high, to touch you deep within. 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

88. "Resurrection, Scene Two", Pt. 2

You know, I've commented on this before, but it's amazing to me that it was the women who demonstrated the most fearlessness in terms of their presence at this most critical phase in the life of our Lord. At the cross, and at the tomb, wanting to be near Him, even in death; and to minister to His body as He lay cold in His grave! In fact, we read in John 21.19 that..."At evening on the first day of the week, with the doors shut where the disciples were, for fear...". Mary, on that very morning had announced to them that she had not only seen their Lord, but had had a conversation with Him...the first of all, to see Him alive. Meanwhile, His most trusted disciples cowered in the dark.

Moments before that occasion, two angels, still guarding the place where Jesus had lain, had very bluntly asked her, "Why do you weep, woman?" To which she had replied... "They have taken away my Lord...". Now since her first meeting with Jesus, long before this day, Mary had heard as much of His teaching as had any other, yet she had been satisfied just to be in His presence, and to fellowhip with Him and His disciples. Together, they had travelled from town to town, meeting new people, and basking in the glory as Jesus preached the Gospel and performed His miracles of healing. And isn't that so like the church today..."Tell me the stories of Jesus! When are we getting together again for a fellowsip supper?" Hearing, but never learning, as the apostle would say. Never quite getting the point of it all...enough just to be amongst the crowd. 

We see that so plainly in Mary's pleading reponse in vs. 13, "They have taken away my Lord...!" He is so patient with us! Fear and unbelief fill the hearts of Believers every day...so much so that it's often difficult to tell who is, from who isn't. In the same breath that she had acknowledged Jesus to be her Lord, she was, unwittingly of course, denying His resurrection power! And she hadn't even noticed that she had been speaking with angels...perhaps like many of us, she didn't even believe in angels, much less in the resurrection of the body! But just think of Mary's important role in the gospel account...first at the empty tomb, first to see the angels sitting, first to see the risen Lord (vs. 14) and the first to speak with Him (vs. 15). This was one blest woman, by anybody's standards!

You know, I truly believe that when you honour Christ, He will honour you; and you're talking here, to one who knows! After all, why was it that Jesus was right there as Mary turned from the empty tomb, to comfort her in her grief, and to bolster her frail faith? Recall that back in chapt. 11, in the record of His resurrection of Lazurus (think of the difference between resurrected clothes, and resurrection clothes!), Jesus had asked of Martha, "Said I not to you, that if you would believe, you would see the glory of God?" I'm sure that Mary had heard the story, and His teaching of it many times..."Believe Me and receive Me!" Mary, just like us on many an occasion, was stupefied by the loss that death always drops into our lives, and like us, her grief was wearing her down. I've been there, and you've been there, and we know the feeling all too well! But now, here she was, about to meet her resurrected Lord, in His glorified body, in His glorified robes! 

Then as we read there in vs. 14, Jesus puts the questions to her...first, as asked by the angels, "Why are you weeping?"; but second, and more critically, "Woman, who are you looking for, out here in this graveyard all alone?" You know, I think that sometimes, Jesus wants us to see that it's really Him that we need...not just any-old-body, or a hot cuppa tea, or maybe just a kick in the pants! Those are all things that the world would offer, while Jesus offers up Himself; it's seldom that we meet someone who will go that far, for you, isn't it? And I speak from vast experience. When Jesus asks that question, you had best know that He has a life-changing response in mind...and Mary was about to experience just that, first-hand. 

But at this point all she could think about was her dead Friend, while here He was, her risen Lord! Mary was only a poor sheep, after all, but once she recognized her Shepherd, she was immediately changed from a weeper to a worshipper! And Matthew reports just that...how she fell at His feet and worshipped Him. In vs. 16 of our passage, after Jesus had spoken her name, she's recorded as crying out, "...my Master!" At that moment her heart must have leapt, as she acknowledged "the Fairest of ten thousand to her soul"! In one moment she had her back turned to Him, and in the next, she had turned her back upon the empty tomb. 

People, this is written for our learning. Jesus, as Paul has taught, is only "the Firstfruits, of those who sleep". And now, wherever the Gospel message is preached, this singular event is taught as the proof text for the ressurection of the body. And when our time comes...an empty grave and decomposing graveclothes notwithstanding...the miracle of our own personal resurrection will have been accomplished! 

What a day that will be, when our Jesus we shall see!

Thursday, January 12, 2023

87. "Resurrection, Scene Two!", John 20.11-23

Matthew has reported in his Gospel account, chapt. 28.5-6, "Fear not...He is not here; He is risen, as He said!" The serpent had only bruised the heel of the Christ, as prophesied in Genesis 3.15. Oh, he had intended a fatal strike, which had only resulted in the telltale wounds upon the hands, feet and side of Jesus' now-resurrected body. 

But was He really resurrected, or as some have alleged, merely resuscitated? Well we really do need to look more deeply into the evidence of scripture, as the Gospel record provides...as we've already seen, a fair number of reports of appearances to His disciples, and others, between His resurrection from His grave, and His ascension to glory. Do take the time to consult the following references, in order to prepare yourself, should you ever be challenged by a skeptic!

The first witness appears to have been Mary Magdelene, alone, as recorded by John in chapt. 20.14. The second was Peter, as reported in Luke 24.34, or perhaps the two Marys of Matthew 28.9-10. But we also have Peter, apparently alone, being the first of the disciples to see Jesus, as reported by two others, to the eleven, recorded by Luke in chapt. 24.34. Next, He appeared to two disciples on the road to Emmaeus...Luke 24.13. Then, to ten of the disciples, in the upper room, John 20.19, as well as to the eleven, now including Thomas, in John 20.26. In John 21.1-2 we read that He appeared to seven disciples as they were preparing to go fishing. And the last record in the Gospels, to the eleven at the occasion of His ascension, is recorded in Matt. 28.16.  

Over in 1 Corinthians 15, Paul states that Jesus had been seen by as many as 500 people at one occasion before His ascension. Then he records that following that, He had been seen by His brother(?) James, along with the eleven. Finally, there are three post-ascension appearances following His return to the Father, the first being to Stephen, in Acts 7; then Paul reports having spoken with the Lord, along the road to Damascus, Acts 9; and finally, to John on the Isle of Patmos, in Revelation 1. So when will His next, much anticipated appearance be, to His blood-bought saints, as He descends, and they ascend to meet Him in the clouds, to be with Him forevermore?!

Well it's with the vss. 14-15 and possibily the vs. 19 appearances that we are concerned with just now. And it's here that we see just how great our Lord's love is...for womankind! As we've seen already, it was to Mary Magdeline that He first revealed His glorified body...one of very few, other than His mother, who had shown Him such loyalty and love. She, no doubt owed Him her very life; who knows what her end might have been, if He had not cast out those seven demons! And notice from vs. 17, that it was to her, that He revealed Himself to truly be, the true Son of God. He didn't appear to His disciples (those who had spent the previous three years under His teaching) until that evening, as they were gathered in the upper room, stewing in their own juices! 

But as we read in vs. 11, Mary "stood without, at the sepulcher, weeping". This was following her breathless run to tell the disciples of the missing body; and their breathless run to confirm her story...risen, or stolen! None of them knew for certain until Mary had returned, first. And little did she know, the miracle that had taken place there!

Do you know, today...that if we say that we love, when our faith is so weak and so fickle, is to cast a shadow over your level of commitment to the Lord? Mary loved Jesus...that's for sure, but her faith was short-sighted. She hadn't trusted in "things hoped-for", or "the evidence of things not seen", as Hebrews 11 states. This is a good lesson about the unnecessary fear and doubt that Believers so often burden themselves with! Jesus said that, "My yoke is easy, and My burden is light", so there's no need for the Believer to go through life burdened down by the things of this world, the flesh and the devil. Jesus died to carry just that burden as well, for you and for me!

Just consider how often we, like Mary, get the downers over even the simplest events of life, eventually to become just a memory. I have sometimes pointed out to others, that most mountains are really just molehills in disguise! We must grow to the point where our faith in Jesus to keep us, actually does keep us! And what a relief to know that, as the Psalmist has recorded, joy really will "come in the morning". 

We're living today, in a time when the hearts of men are "failing them for fear", as Luke 21.26 states, "...in expectation of those things that are coming." But rather than staking our future on our Lord's eventual (soon?) return, we are almost overwhelmed by the things of this world, and the evil that is so rampant in it...and too often, our faith is the victim. Jesus' best advice, as found in the 28th verse of Luke 21, is that now is the day to "lift up our heads...for our redemption draweth nigh"! 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

86. "Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life!", John 20.1-10

Now we cannot say too much about the death of the Lord Jesus...it is absolutely the most critical event in all the great plan of God! But we CAN say too little about His resurrection. This is absolutely the most critical point in all the great plan of God (I thought I just said that), because I truly believe that Jesus' death would have served no purpose, if He had not risen again. And of course, without His death, there would have been no resurrection...the one, for salvation from the personal penalty of our personal sin; the other for personal glorification in the personal presence of Father God!

Then, if you would, turn to Paul's first letter to the church at Corinth...chapt. 15, and read again what Holy Spirit has given to Paul on the subject (noting that he states in vss. 5-6, that Jesus had been seen first by the twelve, then by 500 at one time). Next, turn to his letter to the church in Rome, chapt. 4.20-25, where Paul, in speaking of Abraham, records that Jesus, "...being delivered for our offences, was raised up because of our justification." And of course, the resurrection is a central theme in many of the great sermons found throughout the New Testament, as well as in the personal testimonies of the apostles in their witnessing (note Acts 2.22-36, 3.13-15, 10.37-41, 13.29-37). 

So this second last chapter of John concentrates on the various appearances of Jesus to His disciples and others, before His ascension back to the Father. It's always been a mystery, to anyone who cares, that Jesus rose from His grave entirely unobserved by anyone...other than the Heavenly Father and His heavenly host. The focus of the hour was still upon the cross of His execution, as the emphasis should be, and the roles each participant played...from the highest official to the lowest bystander; and from the dearest of His family and friends to the worst of His enemies. 

Upon Him were laid the iniquities of us all! But He had laid down His life, that He might "take it up again". As He had prophesied back in Matthew 12, He would spend three days and three nights in the belly of the earth, and when He was given back His life, it was in His resurrection body, as described by Paul in 1 Corinthans 15, and Philippeans 3.20-21.

"Now on the first day of the week..." (John 20.1). This is important detail...it must be, or Holy Spirit would not have included it! This matter of days is an important one...from the Jewish perspective, the celebration of Passover; for the Christian, the deed itself is what takes priority! The fact of the matter is, Jesus arose, and the first day was a part of God's great plan, although I have no idea why. What I do know, is that our Lord's resurrection ushered in a new age, in terms of the future judgment of mankind. The last sin sacrifice had been made, and the first glorified body had been raised, and the world had been offered a final opportunity to make things right, once and for eternity, with Father God! 

The Gospel according to Mark tells us that Mary Magdelene was accompanied by Mary, the mother of James, and Salome, as they approached the tomb that morning; and that it was early, after sunrise. And there were none of the disciples, no soldiers, the stone was rolled away, and no body of Jesus! Matthew tells us about the great earthquake, and the angel seated on the stone that had once sealed the tomb. But John, in vs. 2, merely reports Mary Magdelene running off to find Peter, with the "stolen body theory". She quite naturally supposed Jesus to still be dead...never once considering a resurrection, even though He had told His friends and His followers that death would not hold Him...His assurance that He would "rise again the third day" had fallen on deaf ears! 

So we read in vs. 3 that unbelieveing Peter (and John?) jumped out of bed to see what all the fuss was about...the other gospeleers imply that their hearts weren't in it, but at least two disciples went off to confirm, or refute, Mary's wild story. And we're told in vs. 4 that the closer they got, the more excited they became. 

The "other disciple", probably John, arrived first, having outrun Peter, and looking into the tomb, saw the linen cloth which had been used to wrap Jesus' body; when Peter arrived, he entered the tomb. Their hearts must have been pounding, both from anxiety and exertion, and the expectation that they must have felt! But when they found the tomb empty, and the graveclothes lying nearby, they believed (vs. 8)!

John confirms that "seeing is believing", which is the way the natural man responds to objective evidence...as in this case...the empty tomb. But later in his life, John was to experience the real truth, that "believing is seeing"...in his case, seeing, in his own personal Revelation, the effectiveness of faith, as well as the reward of faith...the eternal presence of his Lord! But as he has recorded here in vs. 9, "...as yet they knew not...". The Believer can not, should not, and must not allow his faith to waver, even for an instant. To do so is to invite all kinds of worry and doubt and fear into our hearts and minds. Remember... "He that is in you is greater than he that is in the world"...a reflection of the spiritual maturity of the apostle John, as he recorded letters to the early church. 

There the body of Jesus was not, although "the linen clothes were..."; the women had reported all they had seen, with the previous teaching of Jesus concerning His personal resurrection, now very much in their minds...the evidence was overwhelming..."He is not here...He is risen!" (Luke 24.6). So John saw, and believed. 

Verse 9 really is a very humbling testimony of the frailty of human understanding, and of faith. For three years these men had walked with Jesus while He taught of these things, and yet they had no understanding of spiritual truth. Many today hear truth week after week, and choose to arrogantly dismiss it. We're told by Matthew in chapt. 27.63, that even Jesus' enemies remembered, but at this point, the disciples "knew not" the meaning of the very words of God!

Back in Luke 24.5-7, we read that, "...as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men (angels) said to them, 'Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen. Remember how He told you, while He was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and on the third day rise.'”  

Do you know what affects our own understanding today? Exactly the same as then...selective hearing, lack of attention and lack of Spirit-inspired understanding! Carnal man makes altogether too much of "proofs", and "facts", while as Hebrews 11.1 so clearly states, faith involves belief in that which is not seen...rather, "hoped for", and grass roots trust in what the Word of God tells us, which is what those disciples lacked. We, like them, tend to pick and to choose what is of interest to us; more often than not, leaning upon our own personl experience, based upon our involvement with the world, the flesh, and sadly, the devil. 

So what do you do with Jesus, and why? And if your faith goes high and wide enough to believe and receive Him, why isn't it so with all of scripture truth? You should not, can not, must not pick and choose truth according to your own personal taste. If you can only see and believe, you have fallen far short of what God wishes you to have. If faith relies solely upon sight, then it is a pitiful faith indeed. 

And thus the disciples returned home, full of fear and anxiety about things not seen. But we'll see shortly, that Jesus, Himself, will have the last word on the matter...for them, for us, and for all, right into eternity future. Give Him, right now, the praise He deserves!

Sunday, January 8, 2023

85. "That the Scripture Be Fulfilled", cont'd

We read in John 9.28 that, "...Jesus, knowing that all things had been accomplished to fulfill the Scripture, said. 'I thirst!'" We can only imagine! So the Roman guard allowed Him to sip a bit of sour wine from a sponge, raised to His lips.

The way was clear now, for Jesus to lay down what was left of His life. It's not likely, by the way, that Mary was present at the exact time of her Son's death, because as we have seen, John had taken her to his own home, at "that hour". And when the horrible end finally came, it was Joseph of Arimathea who took the body secretly, and laid it in his own, newly hewn tomb (vs. 38). Then finally, we read in vs. 39 that, "He said 'It is finished'. And bowing His head, He gave up His Spirit." 

You know, over in the Book of the Revelation, chapt. 21, we are given the account of the much older apostle John, and his vision of the new heaven and new earth, and New Jerusalem, "...coming down from Heaven from God". And in vs. 6 we read the words of Jesus announcing that, "It is done!" And, "...I will give to the one who thirsts, from the water of the river of life, freely." And that eternal-life-giving-water, is freely available, because upon His cross, He announced to all who would believe and receive that, "It is finished." The redeeming work of the Lamb  sent from God, had been succesfully completed! 

Now this was the briefest of Jesus' seven statements from the cross, yet you could discuss the theology here, for eternity! All that the Law required, had been finished; all that prophecy had announced, had been finished; all the Father's requirements of Him were finished; and every thing that was necessary to accomplish soul salvation was now finished! The sacrifice had been offered up, the ransom was given, the wages of sin were paid, the conflict with Satan was over, and justice was accomplished at last! All that remained was His resurrection, His ascension and His glorifed reign in eternity-come. 

This had not been the last, gasping groan of a dying man, but a solemn declaration by the Son of the Most High God, of the fact that sin had been put behind, and that Satan had been put down, and that every last, painful second had been worth it! Going back to chapt. 10.17-18 we read the words of our Lord..."For this reason the Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of My own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from My Father.” And so, "He bowed His head, and gave up His Spirit."

Now we referred to this in our last lesson...that in vs. 31 we're told these things had occurred on "a high day", and that it was absolutely essential that the cross be taken down, and that Jesus' body be taken off and removed for burial before sunset. The Jews were a pretty zealous lot when it came to picking nits from the Law, even though they were spiritually blind when it came to seeing Jesus, for the man He wasn't!

So we read how the soldiers came, first to the guilty, then to the Innocent, but that His legs remained un-broken, "...that the scripture be fulfilled". We know that crucifiction was a slow and painful process, unlike hanging, electrocution, or lethal injection. Crucifiction was intentionally as painful as possible, often resulting apparently, in two, or three days of suffering...torture, in fact. But relief came to Jesus in just a few hours. And Mark, in his record, tells us that Pilate marvelled, that He was already dead by the time the soldiers got to Him. 

Now notice that all the fuss following the resurrection...and even yet today, with the claims that Jesus had never really died, are clearly disproved here. The Romans were well trained in the art of war, and with the dealing of death, and there could be no mistaking their diagnosis...the coroner need not be consulted...Jesus had died as a result of crucifiction! And no doubt they only pierced His side, to initiate the flow of both blood and water, being so symbolic of very life, and very death, and the crimson stream of the very means of our salvation...for the remission of our sins. 

Then, as John has recorded in vs. 35, "...this is my testimony, and my testimony is true (that you may believe)!" Let there be no doubt that Jesus died, and that His blood was poured out as a sacrifice for all who would believe. And as verses 36-37 state again, the prophecies had thereby been fulfilled. And then, not John, nor any of the other disciples, but Joseph and Nicodemus (perhaps secret disciples themselves), secretly took Jesus' body, wrapped it in linen along with 100 pounds of spices, and laid it to rest in a new tomb, recently carved out of the rock in the nearby Garden. 

Now as we know, Nicodemus was introduced to us back in chapt. 3, as the Pharisee who came to Jesus by night, having been advised by the Saviour that he "...must be born again!" And although we're not told there, we can see here, that he must surely have been, although he could have remained an example of the worst of all Christians...a secret Believer. When you think of it however, this was quite an act of love, by a man who had been "so loved" by the Lover of this entire world!

The Sabbath was to be a time of rest, at least for the Jews, but to Jesus, the finish of His long earthly commitment, to die and to be raised, for the lost souls of mankind.  

I'm sorry but I just can't restrain myself, as I say once again...thank you Jesus!!

Friday, January 6, 2023

84. "That the Scripture Be Fulfilled", John 19.25-42

The horrible account of the horrible death of Jesus Christ is well known throughout the Christian world, being recorded in all four Gospels, and remembered every Good Friday...even by the pagan, as he celebrates a holiday from his work. But regardless of either your personal perspective or your personal theology, the record of this horrible event is most certainly one of the most spectacular records ever recorded, of any other in history! And of course, is incomparable to any other event in scripture, in terms of its importance in both time, and eternity. Remember that this is not merely an account of a man's death...it's the true, Holy Spirit-inspired accounting of the sacrifice of God's Lamb, for sinners, slain!

Now John gives us no information at all, of the agony that Jesus suffered there upon that horrible killing machine...those details are provided by the other Gospeleers. On the other hand, John is the only Gospel recorder who tells us of His seamless robe (19.23), His un-broken legs (vs. 33), the bloody water flowing from His pierc-ed side (vs. 34)...and only John and Luke recording the Crucified One's last words, as quoted in vs. 40..."It is finished!"

You know, many churches include in their Good Friday observation, preaching on the "seven sayings of Christ" as He hung upon His cross, and this may be a good time to look at them, if you are so inclined. I'll not quote them all, but will leave it up to you to read and to meditate upon them as Holy Spirit leads. Taken from the gospel records of Matthew, Luke and John, this is the probable order in which they were uttered...Luke 23.34,42-43; John 19.25-26; Matthew 27.46; and John 19.28,30. 

But back to John 19.25. Everyone there that fateful day had a reason to be, as witnesses of Jesus' extraordinary execution...the Jews, the Romans, the curious, the bloodthirsty and the outright depraved. But there was one little group, probably unnoticed by all, other than Jesus...devoted and grieving and afraid. John records that there were five in all...four women, and only one man, John himself..."the discciple whom Jesus loved". First of the women was Mary, the Lord's mother; then there was His mother's sister, oddly enough, also called Mary; and odder still, a third Mary...the Magdalene, from a place called Magdala, located in the region of the Gallilee. The fourth was John's own mother, again oddly, mentioned only by Matthew in his gospel account. 

Imagine, that in His hour of greatest need, being deserted by all but these faithful few, to share His pain and His shame, and to mingle their tears with His. And the tears, along with the blood and the sweat, flowed freely amongst the jeers and the cheers of the crowd on that day. The malignancy of hate surely spread like a cancer through the whole of that body of unbelievers! A burden, none other than the God/Man, Jesus, could could have so peaceably endured. 

But then, as recorded by the apostle in vs. 26, at the foot of that altar He spied through swollen eyes and bloodied face, His mother. Think of your own mother for a minute...and then place her in the midst of your worst nightmare, along with your worst enemies, made crazy by the smell of death; and then spy her out of the crowd gathered to watch your execution for a crime you did not commit...and both of you know it. And then, with your dying breath you commit her to the care of your best friend on earth, standing shakily, with his arm about her. Imagine what Mary must have been thinking, as those few hours dragged on. 

To the very end, Jesus' thoughts were of those who loved and cared for Him...just like any of the rest of us I suppose...concerned for those we leave behind. First though, He had prayed for His enemies, then He had offered salvation and assurance to the dying thief, and now, securing His faithful mother's final years. And in doing-so, He broke the last ties that He had with mortal flesh..."Woman, behold your son"; and to John, "Behold your mother!"

You know, It's a great responsibility to take on the care of someone else's aging parent. But it's also a great privilege...one to only be entrusted to the closest and most trustworthy of friends or family; one who would take your mother in and treat her as his own. Wouldn't it be "just right", to live in a just and right world! One where trust would not be an issue, and where need would not be an issue; where comfort and care for one another would be the just and the right thing, and there would be no hesitation in doing it. 

That's the example that Jesus set for us as He hung there on the cross of His sacrifice...to honour our parents, even through their greatest and deepest needs. And we all know those needs are deep, and great! And Jesus' witness, and His love, and His provision, is deep, and it is great! He has provided for His own, and that provision is enough for an eternity. 

So we read in vs. 27 that..."From that moment on, that disciple cared for her in his own household." There must surely be a special place in eternity indeed, for John, "the beloved disciple"!

Thursday, January 5, 2023

83. "Jesus the Lamb, Condemned to Die!", John 19.12-24

Consider Jesus for sinners slain...the last sacrifice for sin; and consider Father God, and those who would believe and receive. And consider Satan and his angels, hard at work in his chosen occupation...steering the world, in his many nefarious ways, toward a lost eternity. 

Consider Israel...the Jews, and the religious elite; consider Pilate, guilty of neglecting the King of creation, God having ordained it so. He was well aware of the attitude of the oh-so-religioso, that Jesus must die, but the more he interrogated our Lord, the less he was convinced of His guilt. And even so...guilty of what?!

True, the religionists had charged their Christ with treason, and of refusing to "tithe" to Caesar, and of claiming to be a King, when really, all He had done was to teach them truth and to be The Truth in the midst of them. But as we've seen, Pilate was afraid, and he had no intention of losing this plum appointment as the figurehead of authority in Judea. So just like the rest of us, he was forced to make a decision...Jesus, or Judea? Caesar, or God? His wife's sound advice, or the religious elite's worst judgment ever to be cast upon an innocent man! So here was the quandry he was in, although we read in 19.12 that..."from henceforth Pilate sought to release him..", while the Jews cried the louder for blood.

Remember, Jesus had revealed to Pilate, as we read in vs. 11, where true authority truly comes from, and Pilate had been impressed. In fact, Jesus had made no effort to defend Himself, but had only lifted His Father God higher. And what an example, both for Pilate and for us. When we raise God up, we become more aware of our own humanity; and we increase our resolve to be more of what He would have us to be! To stand up for the right, when we're being manipulated to do wrong. That's what "having a little talk with Jesus" could do for you, removing the scales from your eyes and the pride from your heart, and the fear from you mind. That's what had been happening to Pilate, so..."from henceforth he sought to release him." 

"But the Jews cried out..". They knew exactly where to stick the knife in order to do the most damage, and then, give it a good hard twist for good measure...these were the worst kind of hypocrites! There they were, the most favoured of God of all the peoples of the earth, beating up on Pilate in order to have this unblemished Lamb become the last sacrifice for their very own sins! 

Then..."When Pilate therefore heard these words...", vs. 13. His resolve had been broken; the Jews were insistent, having pronounced their decision in the matter, and for them, there was no turning back. Have you ever gotten to the point where you had gone too far to turn back? Well let me tell you...there is no-such-a'thing! Our great God is the God of second chances! Every decision is reversible, and before you leap headlong into forbidden territory, believe me, there's plenty of time for sober second thought. Every one of us should stop in mid-step, or in mid-sentence, and think of the consequences of our saying or doing or being. Some of our decisions, after all, may very well have eternal consequences! So be prepared for justice, as in the case before us, to fall upon the unrepentant guilty. 

For Jesus, final judgment was about to be cast, with disastrous consequence! Oh, not for Jesus, or for Father God, but for Pilate and the Jews. For us, His death would mean life and peace, while for the truly guilty, eternal loss and suffering. What a contrast, all due to the determination of guilt on a world lost in sin, to be borne by One Man, on the altar of His cross!

"Now it was the preparation for the Passover...", vs. 14. Remember, the Passover meal that had already been observed by Jesus and His disciples (13.1), preceding "that holy day" referred-to in vs. 31, and followed by the seventh-day Sabbath, left the first day of the week (our Sunday), as the first opportunity for the women referred-to in chapt. 20.1, to go and properly prepare the Body for burial. No work was allowed on these most holy of days of celebration in remembrance of God's provision for the escape of the children of Israel from their enslavement in Egypt (see Leviticus 23.5-9), so Joseph and Nicodemus, as we'll see from verses 38-39, took it upon themselves to  make temporary arrangements for Jesus' body.

But first, as we read in vs. 16, (Pilate) delivered him to be crucified...", according to the will of the Jews, and according to the will of the Father, But also according to the will of Jesus Himself! He was led as a Lamb, to the altar of His sacrifice...directly to Golgotha, the appointed place for crucifiction. Little did those Jews know that they were, right there and then, fulfilling the prophecies of their own prophets! 

And then, in John 19.19, we read the inscription written by Pilate himself..."Jesus of Nazereth, King of the Jews". This truly was God's King...King of the Jews and of the Romans and of all the peoples of the rest of creation! King in life, King in death, and King for eternity in His coming Kingdom! Pilate had been moved by the very will of God, regardless of what the religionists would have had to say, as we can see from vss. 20-22.

And the soldiers cast lots for His garments, as we read in vss. 23-24, fulfilling another prophecy..."Therefore the soldiers did these things." We can clearly see that it was God Who was in charge there, choreagraphing the minutest details, and we know today, that not one word of His Word will fail...exactly fulfilled to the very least letter. And there can be no doubt...at least not in my small mind, that the One Who hung there on that altar, was King, Messiah and the last Lamb to die for the payment of the debt of our sin. 

The other Gospeleers all record further details, but that terrible sacrifice is recorded by all four, as we read in vs. 18..."...and there they crucified Him...". You know, back in the Psalms, chapt. 22, we read another record of these very events, and again, of course, in Isaiah 53, the landmark prophecy, still rejected by His own people..."He was oppressed and He was afflicted...", and that He was to die with the wicked on either side, being "numbered with the transgressors"!

So Holy Spirit has recorded all the details as found in all of The Book, that we require this side of glory...because it's all about Him! The solemn fact is, Jesus is the Lamb of God...and the Lamb was about to die! God had decreed it, the Jews were demanding it, and Pilate, as much as he would liked to have declined, chose to declare it, so..."...he turned him over to them to be crucified" (vs. 15-16). Then, as Matthew has recorded, he poured water into a basin, and washed his hands of the whole bloody affair; but he couldn't wash the stain of sin from his heart. Little did he know, that the Precious Lamb, slain for sinners lost, could be his only salvation!

Hallelujah...what a Saviour!


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

82. "Jesus in Pilate's Court", John 19. 1-11

We finished last time with the pronouncement of Pilate's verdict concerning the accusations made against our Lord..."I find no fault in him!" Luke, in his Gospel account, 23.20-23, has recorded that..."Pilate addressed (the Jews) once more, desiring to release Jesus, but they kept shouting, 'Crucify, crucify him!' A third time he said to them, 'Why? What evil has he done? I have found in him no guilt deserving death. I will therefore punish and release him.'  But they were urgent, demanding with loud cries that He should be crucified, and their voices prevailed. So Pilate decided that their demand should be granted." 

Pilate had been determined, but the Father had determined from eternity past, that the Son was to die...the sinless Lamb of God...not for His own sins, but for Adam's, and for mine and your's. And Pilate was powerless to either prevent, or pervert the eternal justice of the Great Almighty God!

We have referred-to Peter's commentary by Holy Spirit cumpulsion, in Acts 2.23 and 4.27-28, that these fateful events had been preordained by the "determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God". Jesus was to die for the sinners' sins...and the truth is, that The Truth is! So we read in John 19.1, that "Pilate took Jesus and scourged Him." And then in verses 2-3 we have recorded for us, the state of the very heart of sinful man, taking their sin one small step further at a time, toward their own eternal destiny. 

The prophet Jeremiah has described the dark state of the Christless heart, in chapt. 17.9, that "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desparately wicked...". The apostle Paul has also recorded in his letter to the Romans, chapt. 8.7 that, "the carnal mind is enmity against God...". It's as though the Father had already forsaken the Son, in order that their Heavenly contract be fulfilled, and God's word is immutable, never to be forsaken!

These were to be Satan's finest hours...the fulfillment of the prophecy made back in Genesis 3, that he would bruise the very heel of the Son of Man! And sin had certainly entered-in...lawlessness, transgression, iniquity, rebellion, offence, defilement and disobedience ruling the heart of man for all this time, and now, the Lamb had to be slain. And as a part of the process, He had to be scourged and mocked and tormented...the sinless Lamb of God, treated like the criminal He wasn't! But He did-so by choice, out of obedience, because the Father had placed the unbearable weight of our sin on His very shoulder...and there was no other choice. Shame on the serpent, and shame on Adam, and shame on me!

So we read in vs. 4, that "...Pilate went forth...". You see, He knew the truth, even though he had just questioned the nature of it, and..."...could find no fault in him". He had fulfilled his responsibility to Rome, so far as he was concerned, and he had no problem telling those religionists so. 

So we read in 19.5,6 that Jesus was sent out, wearing the purple robe and the crown of thorns, with the judgment of Pilate in sharp contrast to the time and place and circumstances of the birth of our Lord, now echoing across the paving stones..."Behold the man!" Indeed. "See his suffering and his pain and his defilement and his shame...enough already! Out of all the criminals in Jerusalem, you bring the innocent before me!"

And again, the Jews, unimpressed by the objective wisdom of a Gentile, echoed back..."No...crucify, crucify!" By now, their frenzy could be satisfied by nothing less, and their thirst for blood, unquenchable, yet it would be Pilate who would, in the end, wash his hands! The Jews, by now, were focussing only with hatred upon their nemesis, but do you know what Jesus' final words would be? "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do!" 

So Pilate replied with anger of his own, I'm sure..."Take him then, and crucify him yourselves, for I find no fault in him." And the Jews, excusing their ignorance of the very things of God, replied..."We have a law...". And we're told that at that point, Pilate began to experience a holy fear...the fear of a cornered animal...the fear of God. If at the first he was doubtful, now he was terrified at the prospect of an illicit execution. 

You know, Pilate had seen many malefactors in His day...not only treasonists, as Jesus was accused of, but the very dregs of Roman society...the innocent along with the guilty, but nothing to compare with this. It almost seems, that if he had taken the time, he might very well have become a disciple of Jesus. His wife certainly believed in His innocence, and we're told that she had tried to convince her husband not to have anything more to do with the whole affair. I can't begin to imagine the state of his mind as he pondered, like King Agrippa with the apostle Paul, in Acts 26..."Almost, thou persuadest me to be a Christian!" 

What a position in which to find yourself...almost persuaded! Instead, as recorded in vs. 9 we read..."From whence are you? Just who are you, anyway?" Pilate had been back and forth from the Jews to the Saviour a number of times by now, and this is at least, his sixth question of Jesus (see 18.33,35,37-39). And his last question, asked of the Jews to end this whole ordeal, "Shall I crucify your king?!" And we're told in vs. 16 that he then delivered Him to them. But back to the question at hand.

"From whence art thou?" Tell me anything you can that might enable me to spare your life. If you really are the Son of God, then tell me so; anything that might allow me to spare your life. But Jesus, like the Lamb He is, gave him the soft reply..."You would have no authority over Me, if it had not been given you by the Father...". He was not simply resigned to His fate...He was resolved; and He could be relied upon, and He was ready, and He remembered the purpose of His mission, and He would not repent of His commitment to the task, regardless of the terror which awaited Him. 

There was no place left to go, and they both knew it. Pilate had joined a pretty elite group that day...Pharoah, King Saul, King Ahab, Nebuchadnezzar...a whole string of pawns in the hand of God, for His own eternal purposes. As we read in vs.11, Jesus knew full well Who holds the power. And you know what? It's only by the mercy and grace of the Father that any one of us amounts to any more than a grease spot on eternity. But even if I am no more than a grease spot, let it be known that I'm a grease spot for the spotless Son of God...the Lord be praised!