Tuesday, October 2, 2012

9. Lesson 3…Parts 2 & 3

2. The disciples were called, vss. 38-43

Now John the Baptist had apparently been practicing what he was preaching, because his two disciples trusted his word. And John had no resentment at all toward them, or toward Jesus, either one. You see, John had a sense of direction and of purpose, and those two men were about to be given a sense of purpose for their lives as well, as Jesus asked…”What seek ye?” And the Lord’s question, even today, is still to those who cross his path…”What seek ye?”

The sensitive servant must have an open heart, an open ear and an open mind to the Lord (remember, salvation/service). However there’s no question that different people are seeking different things, and I really think we need to stop every once in awhile and ask ourselves what it is that we are hoping to gain in this life. If it’s not “the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world”, then it’s got to be something else; if it’s not God’s will and God’s way then it’s got to be our own will and our own way! Jesus needed to know what it was that those men were looking for, because He is not prepared to give us whatever our heart happens to desire, like a genie in a bottle! We will see in a later lesson and beyond, that although He did meet some very ordinary needs and wants for some very ordinary people, His main interest is in our soul salvation.

If those two disciples had told Jesus they were looking for the nearest hotel, He would have directed them there and they would have been on their way; but they told Him they were interested in Him, so He took them home with Him. I like that idea, don’t you?! You know, in the days to come, many people would follow Jesus for their own purposes, and we’ll even read in ch. 6.66 that there finally came a time when many of His disciples became dissatisfied, and …”went back, and walked no more with Him”! They had come to Jesus seeking far more than He was prepared to offer, and became disappointed and discouraged, and then disgusted, and ended up turning their backs and walking away, never to return. And so, “what seek ye?”…a relationship with Jesus? an increased knowledge of Jesus? a closer walk with Him? Well, just like those first two disciples, we need to dwell where Jesus dwells. What they needed was fellowship with the Lamb of God, and that need is still evident in the world today…even in the church today!

And do you know what those two men found in Jesus’ presence? Satisfaction! And we know that because of how they were so anxious to tell others about Him. Andrew, the first recorded missionary of the Gospel, went immediately and told his brother, Simon Peter, and brought him to Jesus. He didn’t wait to be college-trained or church-ordained; he went and told his own brother, and then brought him to the Lord! He became an instant witness to the power of the Person of the Gospel! And the next thing we know, Jesus Himself is seeking out Phillip, as we read in v. 43, and very simply gives him the invitation…”Follow Me”. It doesen’t get much simpler than that. Then, Phillip found Nathaniel, as recorded in vss. 44-45, and this is where things get just a little bit heated! ”What good thing can come out of Nazareth?!” This is exactly the kind of indifference we still see in the world today, but indeed, a good someOne did come, and He was about to turn Nathaniel’s world upside down!

3. The disciples were convicted, vss. 44-51

You know, conviction can be a terrible burden, and can raise up some very strong emotions, but it certainly serves its purpose! Many a person is hiding behind their good health, their prominent family, their great wealth or any other condition, but those conditions are all temporary. Sooner or later, we all come face-to-face with the real issue…just like Philip did, in our v. 45…”we have found Him, now what about you?” And more often than not, we get offended, and we remember that the best defence is a good offence…”Can any good thing…?!” And how was Phillip to respond to that? Well there was only one way…”Come and see for yourself!”

You know, we can’t afford to be turned aside by the objections of this world, and of the worldly. Jesus eventually breaks down whatever barriers we encounter, so long as we are faithful in our personal commitment to the Gospel message. And of course, Jesus knows what is going on deep in our hearts anyway, just as He knew Nathaniel’s heart as revealed in v. 47…”Behold, an Israelite in whom there is no guile!” Jesus already knew the man, just as He already knows each one of us, under the fig trees* that are our lives. It should be no surprise, when we finally meet Jesus for ourselves if our response is, along with Nathaniel…”Thou art the Son of God!”

Nathaniel had been deeply impressed by the Lord’s insight, but he hadn’t seen anything yet! The time would come when he would stand with Jesus on the road to Bethany and stare through the open doors of heaven, as our Lord returned to glory (v. 51, Luke 24.50)!

Yes, Jesus’ ministry on this earth began with a call to salvation and service, which is still God’s call to the world today. And it is our privilege, and will be a privilege as we repent and believe and then receive, to claim that promise along with Nathaniel, that ”…you shall see greater things than these!”

*By the by, just a short footnote re: “the fig tree”, possibly representing…

 1. Shame…Gen. 3.7 2; Material wealth…1 Kings 4.25 3; and Hope…Matt. 24.32

Hope, indeed!

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