Now I don't know whether you've ever given much thought (or any at all) to the Calvinist/Arminian positions on salvation, but if not, this passage from the Gospel according to John could surely serve as a conversation starter! You see, simply put, those who hold the Arminian view of scripture interpretation may use this passage as proof that it is indeed possible for a Believer to lose his/her salvation. However, the Calvinist position is that, since you are elected by God for salvation, your salvation is eternally a hard-shelled Baptist might say, "once saved, always saved". End of're saved and you're safe!
Well personally, I believe that this passage deserves greater respect than that, as does all of scripture, and we don't need to spend one minute consulting the theologians, who believe me, know no more than any other serious Bible student, who has steeped himself/herself as a matter of course, in "the whole counsel of God", studying as one seeking nothing but the Spirit of Truth! There, I've said it...whew. So, in light of that, I'm not going to argue here for any particular "theological position", but only focus on these verses in the context of Jesus' being and doing, and where His disciples were, in relation-to His teaching.
We have to consider today, the fact that Jesus' entire focus was upon living, dying, believing, receiving, and resurrection into eternity-future. Remember, by this time He was only speaking to the eleven, on the way to Gethsemane and the mockery of a trial, and His horrible execution. So these next two chapters constitute His very last teaching opportunities before that time arrived.
Now the Lord was speaking here, as I've mentioned, to Believers, and He is describing the relationship that Believers have with Him, and with Heavenly Father, instructing them and warning them in preparation for what was to come..."...every branch that believeth in Me...". That is, those who have that spiritual connection resulting from a life-giving relationship with Lord Jesus! If you can't be described in that manner, then you're overdue for a pruning! You are very simply unable to bear good fruit to the glory of Almighty God, unless you're healthily attached to the Jesus vine. And He puts that to us over and again in these few verses..." Me!"
Now you've just got to know that there are plenty of people "in religion", and even plenty "in church"...moral, clean living, upstanding people they are, too. But that doesn't mean they are "in Jesus"; nor does it mean that in them abides "the Spirit of Life", or "the Water of Life", or "the Light of Life", either one. But then, there's this other branch which must be dealt-with...the one that is "in Him", but bears no fruit.
This is where the nay-sayers really bobble their heads, but the fact of the matter is, that we are too used to looking at things from "the me" house, my job, my grandaughter (YUP!), my life, my salvation. But did you ever stop for a moment, and remember that it is not me, but HIM? We have become so accustomed to speaking of "my salvation" and "our salvation" that we've all but forgotten that it's ALL of the Father (vs. 8). And we are so UNaccustomed to considering how God's glory is to be found there...not our own, or the church's, or even the one who led us to Jesus. We are all too eager to point to these verses and ask, "What does that tell us about our salvation?", when we should be asking, "What must change about my life in light of that verse, or that passage?"
Our Lord is quoted in vs. 5, "You are the branches," speaking of His disciples (students), and the same application must be made in vs. 2. Let there be no doubt...every branch is expected to bear good fruit...that is the subject which Jesus is here fruit, fruit (vs. 2), and much fruit (vss. 5,8). So often, when Believers think of bearing life-fruit, they take a step back and think about how hard it is, and that they're not able to do it. But really, fruit-bearing is a perfectly natural process, and the reason is, because all the branch needs to do is to just be a branch, and wait patiently under the tender loving care of the husbandman...Father God. That is of course, so long as you are already healthily attached to the life-sustaining Jesus-vine! In that case, you're getting all the Light and all the Water and all the other good stuff that a productive branch needs, to stay (spiritually) healthy. This is not just for "super saints"...when you-saint-and-me-saint gets his daily sustenance from Jesus, much fruit will be the result!
Sometimes preachers fear that their preaching and teaching is "fruitless", but stay with me brethren and sistern, because the road gets rough, and the way is long! Until next time.
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