Now this next lesson gives John's account of the promise of the coming of Holy Spirit...the Comforter...the Helper...the Spirit of Truth, and I don't think we should take a break along the way! In fact, Jesus has abruptly changed gears in His teaching, from a long-ish warning of anticipated trouble for disciples, to a very clear and comforting promise from the Father, of One Who would, through them, "...convict the world of sin, demonstrate to the world true righteousness...and pronounce judgement upon the world...because the ruler of this world is already judged!"
Sometimes I have to wonder just how the scribes of the Word of God were ever able to keep up with Holy Spirit, as He inspired them with the high thoughts of the Father! In fact, right there in Chapt. 15, John has recorded a regular hodgepodge of topics, from the teaching of our Lord. Remember, Jesus' earthly visit was coming to a bitter end, and He had much to say to those disciples before His persecutors had their way with Him.
He had been speaking to them in Vine-speak...of their love walk, and of stumbling stones and road blocks; but also, and most importantly, their Comfort zone. It's a very spiritual progression, from your relationships in the world, to your relationship with Jesus, to your relationship with other Believers, and to your relationships in the world again. Then, that beautiful promise given by our Lord, there in the last two verses of chapt. 15.26-27, "When the Comforter is come...He will bear witness, and you will testify..." of the Truth that is Jesus, the truth of Heavenly Father, and the truth about eternity-to-come.
If you recall, the Lord had just been warning the eleven of the opposition they would meet from many enemies within the princedom of Satan. And He did-so in order that they might not be caught by surprise, or offended at being cut off from their Jewish roots, and so they needed advance notice of that time to come. The need, from Jesus' perspective, was the promise for their eternal comfort, and not only for those times of persecution such as has been recorded from early in their natural history...see Judges 3.9-11, for example.
Now I know that you are probably well versed in the teaching of Holy Spirit and His ministry, but to simplify it, we could say that His role is to demonstrate the very power of the risen Christ, in and through Believers. I've made reference to the Comforter's work in the Old Testament, and in fact the very first reference to Him in scripture is found in Genesis 1.2... "...and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters." And the very first reference to His work of prophecy is found in Numbers 11.25, where we read that... "...the Lord took of the Spirit that was upon (Moses), and placed upon the seventy elders, so that they prophesied...". But here in John 15 and 16, Jesus Himself prophesied of the coming "Comforter", the only reference in scripture, of such a One.
Believers are, and have been from the time of Jesus' return to His glory, comforted by this unseen, but certainly felt, presence of Our Lord, without shape or form. And not for a momentary blessing either, such as with those seventy elders...rather, a moment-by-moment blessing, administered throughout a lifetime of faith! The fact is, while the world was preparing to cast Jesus out, Jesus was preparing for a gifting of inner comfort and security for His people, never, ever before experienced. What a contrast with what those disciples were feeling, even as Jesus spoke so reassuringly to them. You had better believe that they were worried for their very lives, as we read later on, in 16.15, how they questioned among themselves about Jesus' strange behaviour. But Jesus was thinking nothing but love thoughts, as He planned for their future without Him.
You see, Jesus is all about truth...that even His going away would be expedient for them...first of all, because His way was the way of the cross; and secondly, His way for them (and us), was the provision of a quality of comfort and peace and reassurance that, in His bodily presence He had never been able to provide. And they had never once, even thought to ask the all-important question, as recorded in vs. 5... "But where are You going Lord?!"
It's now known, and is an undeniable fact, that this Comforter would give believing disciples the same grace-revealing light that Jesus-in-the-flesh had broadcast. And not only, but the same God-revealing righteousness, along with a revelation of future judgement. That is the certain consequence of God in the Spirit, as chapt. 9.39 records, "...that they which see not, might see...and that they which see, might be made blind"! Jesus' physical presence had provided those disciples plenty of doctrine, more doubt, and eventually, much despair, and at this stage in His ministry to them, Jesus was concerned much more for their spiritual security, than the physical.
So the greatest consequence of His "going away", as is recorded there in 16.7, is the loss of His physical presence, and they would be lost without Him. They had no inkling that His "going" would institute Holy Spirit's "coming". And what a Presence that would be! They no longer had to be where He was, because from that time, into eternity, He would be where they were...individually or all together.
Now as I've said, nowhere has our Lord given such complete teaching concernng the Person, and the work of Holy Spirit. Throughout this passage (you'll see them if you're looking!), He has given us at least, a six-part description of His role in the life of the Believer. First, that He is the Spirit of Truth; second, that He will guide us into all truth; then, He will only speak what He hears from the Father; and that He will reveal things to come; and that He would glorify Christ; and finally, He will reveal the things of Christ, to us. And it's plain all throughout this passage of scripture, that He and Holy Spirit are on the same track for ministry, and share the same goal for our lives.
Now remember, the presence of Holy Spirit would depend entirely upon the absence of Jesus. But Holy Spirit's presence would result in a far greater blessing for the church-to-be, than those eleven could ever imagine...fitting us to receive even deeper truths, character, works and blessing. And although they would be totally unprepared for Jesus' miraculous departure, they would soon be totally and eternally thankful for the great and wonderful Gift that Holy Spirit would prove Himself to be...God, not only for them, but in them, by His constant, comforting Presence...what a game-changer!
And another thing...look again at verse 12. Jesus had so much more to teach those doubting disciples, if He only had more time. But not only did He not have time, He didn't have their full attention (it's mirror-time folks); nor did they, at this stage, have the capacity to receive, anyway. They just weren't yet fully tuned in to His frequency...there was just too much static in the atmosphere in those last days together. But the Spirit of Truth...when He would come, ears would be opened and eyes would be opened, and hearts would be opened to all Truth. And that's exactly what God has always intended for His know and to be, a souurce of glory to Him.
Just think of what we know of Him from other passages of God's word...John 5.21, He quickens us; 1 Corinthians 6.19, He indwells us; Romans 8.14, He leads us; 8.16, He confirms us; 8.26, He intercedes for us; and Ephesians 4.30, He seals us. Now that's a pretty full itenerary, and I can't think why we would ever "grieve Him", knowing the important part He plays out through the lives of believing saints! Nor why we would not wish, with all our hearts and minds, to make ourselves fully available to His fullness and Power!
But remember, the disciples still had their hearts and minds set on establishing a new kingdom of Israel, right there in Judea, with Jesus on their throne. They couldn't tolerate the idea of Jesus leaving them helpless and hopeless. But the truth of the matter was (and is!), Israel had rejected Him, and the result of that rejection was to be pretty bitter. They had rejected Him, so (as so clearly taught by the apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans) God would reject them, allowing Holy Spirit to take a path that would result in the offer of salvation to all of mankind!
The Old Covenant would be put to rest, and the New Covenant would be established in, and written upon the heart; and the Law would be fulfilled, and a new Kingdom would be established. That's what was on the Saviour's mind on His way to His cross, and His disciples could not bear it. They were in no condition, either emotionally or spiritually, even to hear it.
So, what about us...who, or what have we been conditioned-by? Are we conditioned to hear and to heed what the Lord has to say? We need to have much wisdom and spiritual discernment to hear and to receive what the Lord speaks, in season, and out of season.
Remember...sorrow had filled the hearts of those first of all disciples, and their thoughts had been far from the thoughts of God. May you-disciple and me-disciple have a mind and a heart for Him today, and may "the Helper" be your Guide, in your journey of faith!
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