Friday, December 16, 2022

74. "A Prayer for Believers, from the very Heart of God!", John 17...Part 1

We're beginning today, our study of chapter 17, where we have the inspired record of our Lord's great prayer for His church-to-be, and I  believe I can safely say that what Jesus is recorded as saying here, compares with nothing else that's written anywhere in God's good Book. It's the longest prayer the Saviour Jesus ever offered, as recorded anywhere in the Gospel record, and it's interesting to note that this most passionate prayer immediately follows His most passionate recorded plea, perhaps the greatest message ever preached in all the annals of recorded time! In fact, some have referred-to it as "the real Lord's prayer", or more to the point perhaps, "the Lord's real prayer", and nothing is any more instructive, and comforting, and spiritual than the words that are therein recorded.                                 

The entire chapter is unique, because what is written for our edification are the very words spoken by the very Son of God, intended for the ear of God, on behalf of the very people of God! And although the veil is not yet "rent in twain", it is certainly parted for a brief glimpse into the throne room of the heavenlies...the "secret place of the tabernacle of the Most High"...the "Holy of Holies"! Those disciples were on holy ground, and although we're not told, they should have been bowed low before their great and mighty God! This record, indeed, stands alone in scripture as a perfect example of the Perfect Son's communion with His Father, being offered up, right there in the presence of the remaining eleven! 

Now if you wish to think of this prayer as a model, feel free, but it is not recorded for that purpose at all. This was, and is, Jesus' prayer alone,  offered as the High Priest of heaven, both on behalf of Himself, as well as His disciples, both at that time, and til the end of time. So I think we should turn our minds in that direction for a moment in order to focus more clearly upon this most beautiful prayer of our Lord. To Him, prayer was not "hit or miss"...not "a pity party", and not a wish list, but a matter of worship and final determination of the will of the Father. 

Notice the urgency with which He prays..."the hour is come...". This is the seventh and last time that Jesus would refer to this long-awaited "hour", in John's gospel record, beginning in chapt. 2.4..."My hour is not yet come." In every "man's" life, the hour eventually comes when he looks back on his successes and his failures, his joys and regrets, and his loves and his losses, before he closes his eyes for the last time. And for Jesus, this was soon to be the hour of the culmination of "the greatest story ever told"...the hour in which He would finally be "made sin" for His people. But also, "the hour of power", for Satan, when He would "bruise the heel of the seed of the woman"...the hour of fulfillment of centuries of prophecy, and the hour in which the earth should wobble on its axis while the host of heaven cried for joy...quite an hour indeed!

This was to be the hour that Jesus would spend, with His eyes lifted toward heaven, pleading His cause...and our cause, before the Father..."Father, glorify Thy Son, that I may glorify Thee!" And throughout the next verses, there is no plea for support as He suffered the cruel shame of His cross, or the hours in His tomb, or during His last days upon earth, but for glory at the Lord's right hand in eternity-to-come. There's the connection between grief and relief...the knowledge of victory-to-come! Not to focus on the things that are seen, but the things that are yet unseen, and that's exactly Jesus' position in this moment, as He lifted His eyes toward heaven. 

Now in verses 2 and 3 we have another critical request of God...this time, on behalf-of His disciples, as well as the masses that have been destined to receive the gift of salvation. Yes, that's all who have been given to Him. This is one of those foundational scriptures that many Believers tend to disbelieve, but bless their hearts, does not affect their destiny! And I, for one, am not offended by it at all! We need to accept that God-speak is the final word, and you don't need to choose sides when it comes to God's word. There are many scriptures that make the point clear, but note one taken from a particularly favourite passage in Hebrews 2, "For He Who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one Father. That is why He is not ashamed to call (us) brothers, saying, "I will tell of Your Name to My brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will sing Your praise." And again, "I will put My trust in Him." And again, "Behold, I and the children God has given Me.”"

Jesus' role was to "conduct many sons to glory", but sadly, also, to close the gates of Hell upon the innumerable lost. We must remember that, although He has power over all flesh, He has been commisioned only, to fulfill the Devine's execute the immutable will of Father provide both the way, and the means to those the Father has given Him! All other aspects of universal being and doing are under His authority, other than this very one, which remains soley and wholly, according-to the Father's prerogitve. 

That's a mighty, mighty thought to end this aspect of our study, but I sense that these were the thoughts that were spilling from the heart of our Lord, as He prepared to leave the upper room for the place of His arrest. We'll join Him there, along with the faithful few, when we pick up "the Book of books", next time.



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