Friday, December 16, 2022

73. "Believe It or Not, Joy...", John 16.15-33 cont'd

Before concluding our study of John 16, I would like to emphasize again, the not-so-insignificant matter of the joy of Jesus, fulfilled in I've previously noted, the second in the list of nine spiritual fruit, following immediately after that most necessary fruit, of love, and just before that most elusive and highly-prized fruit, of peace. And I also want to emphasize that that exact, same nine-fold yield applies to every Believer in Jesus, both for the benefit of the family, the church, and the world-at-large, to the glory of our Lord. That is critical when it comes to the fulfillment of the joy of Christ Jesus in us, and it should be evidenced in each of our lives. 

Now we've seen in our last lesson, the joy that comes from obedience, and that's the joy that Jesus has been speaking-of throughout the last few verses of the chapter...the joy of knowing that He has finished the Father's work; the joy that comes from a clear conscience; and the joy that comes from knowing that He will soon be reunited with the Father. That truly is the basis of the joy that Jesus, by Holy Spirit, desires to see developing in those who are firmly connected to Him!

Now remember here, that Jesus is staring His cross square in the face, and He doesn't waver. Oh, He had offered to God in prayer, the opportunity to provide another sacrifice for our sin, as had been the case with Abraham and Isaac...but that was not to be, and He knew it! He had long before determined that "what'ere befall", He would be faithful to the eternal will of the Father...that is, in His just and holy providential plan for the redemption of His creation. As recorded of Jesus in the letter to the Hebrew peoples, "Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but a Body You have prepared for Me. In burnt offerings and sacrifice for sin You took no pleasure. Then I said,'Behold, I have the volume of the Book it is written of Me...To do Your will, O God'"! And also, "...for the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross, despised the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God"! 

Now some Believers find that joy is hard to come-by, but you know, as I've pointed out, there can be no-such'a-thing as a "joyless" (fruitless) Christian. In fact, a joyless Believer must hardly be a Believer at all; at the very least, He must be out of fellowship with His God; or other concerns are concerning him; or he's not walking in the "shadow of the Almighty"; or he's consumed with the things of the world, and he's forgotten his Holy Spirit-anointing, thereby losing "the joy of his salvation". And there really is only one look to the Author and Finisher of his faith, confess his condition, worship "in Spirit and in Truth", and turn your focus, though difficult it may be, to living and loving in the Lord.

This really is the blessing that Saviour Jesus wishes for His people, and He has made full provision for us. But every barrier must be removed from between us and God, where we are invited to "draw near with a true heart, in full assurance of faith", as John has recorded in his first letter to the churches, and, "...these things I write to you, that your joy may be full!" And always remember, even our joy is for the very purposes of God, as well as for His own personal glory.

Jesus has put it just so plainly in the last verse of the chapter...vs. 33, "These things I have spoken to you, that you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world"! So, bless you, that though you may bear the ugly scars of earthly conflict, your joy may be made beautifully complete, in Him.

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