Wednesday, October 3, 2012

34. Lesson 15... "Will Ye Also Go Away?" John 6.67(b)

Read John 2.22,23...4.39-42...6.13,14, and compare 6.41..."the Jews then murmured at Him...", and v.52..."the Jews therefore strove among themselves...".

Human nature is the same wherever it is found; that's why Jesus so quickly went from the status of a pop star, to a blasphemer, at least in the eyes of the elders of the Capernaum synagogue. Up to now, Jesus had spent His ministry back and forth between Judea and Gallilee, and these last vss. of Ch. 6 describe for us His final days of ministry in His native region, at least as represented to us in the Gospel of John. Essentially, it marks the beginning of the decline in Jesus' popularity, which will be perfectly obvious to us from what we will see in the sacred text. So to start with, let's take a look at ch. 6.60...

1. "This is a hard saying, and who can hear it?" 6.60(b)

Are you willing to hear the hard sayings of the Word of God? And if you're not, where does that place you at the roll call of the faithful? Where will that place you at that great wedding supper of the Lamb? Or for that matter, where will it place you when you appear before either King Jesus or the Great White Throne, for judgement?! The hard sayings of the Word of God cannot be lightly shrugged-off. It can never be a matter of pick and choose when it comes to the teachings of Christ, especially-so when they are presented along with an invitation to receive eternal life, as we saw back in v. 58. This had not only been an opportunity, but a revelation to the Capernaum synagogue; an eye-opening and a mind-bending and a heart-changing invitation to spend the rest of eternity in the very kingdom of God!

You know, it's pathetic to find that there in Gallilee, Jesus met with little better that He had in Judea, where He had begun His ministry in Jerusalem, following the wedding miracle of ch. 2. Remember that the crowds had followed, and seemed anxious to be His disciples, but had only been motivated by their material and carnal desires. You see, what Jesus wants to establish in our hearts is basically, two things...evidence of the recognition of our spiritual need, as well as evidence of our receiving the heavenly gift...but human nature does not change, regardless of the time or of the place. The people that we read about here had had their emotions stirred, but their hearts were as cold and as hard as ice! And now that He had revealed to them their spiritual need, they felt threatened; first, a "murmuring", as we read in v. 41, and then a "striving", as we read in v. 52, and now, an outright rejection of the life-giving Word of grace, the very, living Word of God!

Now keep in mind that this exchange takes place in the synagogue, the very place where hungry souls were expected to be found. What better place for the Lord to reveal the eternal purposes of God, than right there, in the midst of His faithful worshippers? But what a response from His many disciples; not the twelve, who are spoken-of in v. 67, but rather, the many others who had joined the Jesus-movement along the way; I guess you could call them "the Jesus people", who were hoping for a political rally, rather than a spiritual revival! And when He had started talking about flesh and blood, in the previous verses, they started thinking about persecution and death...their own!

I'm going to ask a pretty pointed question of my own; what is it that attracts us to Jesus (if at all)? And how great an impression has He made on our lives? You see, when Jesus presented Himself to those Jews as the true Bread of God, rather than just another Wunder Bread; when He spoke of giving His very flesh for the salvation of this old world, and of men drinking His blood, they weren't just offended, they were terrified! The last thing they needed was a king who was going to lead them sheep to the slaughter. They were right; this was a hard saying, and Jesus knew who would, and who would not, hear it.

Next, we find another question there in vss. 61-66...

2. "Does this offend you?"

Just like Jesus , to answer a question with a question!

Do you really realize that it's impossible to hide from the Lord? Sooner or later, just like those disciples mentioned in v. 60, our tongues are going to slip, and as James tells us, set a whole forest on fire, revealing what may have been safely (so we had hoped) hidden away deep within our hearts. These men could not deceive Jesus; they had certainly walked with Him for a time, and to all outward appearances, seemed to have been His disciples; and they might have taken their places in the synagogue and they might have listened attentively and reverently while He taught them, but He knew their hearts! You can try to hide your thoughts there, in its deepest recesses, but He knows all the whys and the wherefores; He was not misled by the religiosity of His day, nor is He today. As we read in 2 Timothy 3.5, "a form of godliness" is not godly enough for God!

You know, in 6.14, Jesus had been correctly identified by the crowds as a prophet, but little did they know...He is greater than the prophets! And then, in v. 31 they had contrasted Him with Moses in the wilderness; but little did the people know...He is greater than Moses! He knew their heart's condition (v. 64). And then, as we read in v. 62, Jesus comments on His own question...if the congregation was offended before, they must have been positively blown away with that declaration; not only was He to die, but He was to bodily ascend into the clouds and the heavens beyond! What a prophecy!

Those Jews were probably thinking..."This man deserves to die for preaching blasphemy like that!" But then every man, woman and child has a problem, as Jesus explained in v. 63. Spiritual truths require spiritual minds to understand them. This was not hocus-pocus; it was and is, the Word of eternal life..."It is the Spirit that quickeneth...". The human mind simply cannot fathom the depths of spiritual truth. There must have been a new birth before one can conceive of the Words of Life!

You know, this is a very pressing matter; one that has been neglected in these days of the modern church, and I've pressed the issue before..."the flesh profits nothing" (v. 63). It's not the preacher or the teacher or the choir, but "the Spirit that quickeneth"! All the best efforts of man must be brought into question; and I really believe we are an offence to God, in the same way He was an offence to those Jews. We need a faithful and a true interpretation of the Word of God, with the saints clinging-to Him if we expect to find the lost grasping-for Him! Yes, "the flesh propheteth nothing"; we must turn to God through Christ, and believe me, it's not the will of our flesh to do that, either, as we read back in ch. 1.13. In fact, it's distasteful to our hearts and minds to even think about it, but it is God's Truth, whether a man is offended or not.

Now closely examine 6.66...what can I say?! "Many are called but few are chosen". Now there's a scripture that will offend some, but the fact of the matter is, not all those who start out on the path of life will finish up on the path of life, because there are too many other paths along the way to stray onto. And I want to tell you today, human nature has not changed one iota since the time of "this writing". When the Lord makes His eternal truths known, people...apparent believers and unbelievers alike...wll be offended, and yes...many of His disciples have gone, and will "go back and walk no more with Him". You see, we all think that we have the scriptures by the proverbial tail, but we need to remember, although God knows the mind of a man, man does not know the mind of God! And there will be many surprises in store for us, when the Light that is Jesus reveals for us the Face of God, and what was dark and impenetrable before, will become as clear as "what a day that will be!"

Finally, in v. 67 of our scripture, we have the third question, and it could just as easily be directed to any one of us...

3. "Will you also go away?"

Yes, the Lord knows the answer to that question too. Oh, we would like to think we are safe and sound for this earthly night; safely tucked into our comfy church blankets, til we're awakened by the sound of angel's trumpets, when dawn breaks in eternity future! But this question is a real thought-provoker, isn't it? And when we think of some who have "...also gone away", it's a real heart-breaker, but it was a question that had to be asked, not for Jesus' own sake, but for the sake of His disciples. You see, Jesus doesn't want any unwilling followers. If we would prefer to be found in the world when He comes, then that's where we will be found. If we love pleasure more than our commitment to Him, then He will be the One to take us to task for it. If we don't have the fortitude to stand and withstand, then may He have mercy on us!

However, you may be like Peter, in vss. 68, 69, with a simple question in response to a question. For some, the miracles had attracted, but as we have seen, the "Truth" had offended, but it was much different for His true disciples. For them, when Jesus had said in v. 63, "...the words that I speak unto you...", Peter and the others took that literally, to mean..."thou hast the words..."; but what of Judas (v. 70)? There has always been a lot of speculation about his possible salvation, but vss. 70, 71 seem to cast little doubt on that matter.

The awfulness of sin is no match for the eternal and supernal grace of God, and here we have a gospel commentary on the Gospel of Grace, right here at the very end of one of the most powerful chapters in the entire Word of God! And it provides a very solemn warning to all who would profess to believe. If "cleanliness is next to godliness", then out-and-out hypocrisy must be the worst kind of dirt there is; but the saving power of Jesus is stronger than dirt! There simply is no way to enter into God's glorious presence, stained by the awfulness of sin.

These surely are "hard sayings", but we need not only to hear, but to practice, the Truth that is Jesus!

Next time, we start ch. 7, and more of the eternal truths of our eternal Lord.

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