Sunday, October 7, 2012

53. Lesson 26..."Behold, the World Is Gone After Him"! John 12.12-23

Do you know what the performance of a miracle will do for a person? Why, place him in a position of social, spiritual, and even political prominence, is what! And so it was for Jesus. What better candidate for King of the Jews than the King of Creation?! Just think of all the great things that could happen, with Jesus as your King! Healing miracles, and resurrection miracles would just be the beginning. Israel had waited long enough, so...Hosanna! Save us now!
This is one passage that all four Gospels record pretty much as is. And a pretty unusual portrayal of Jesus it is, too, when compared to anything else we read in the New Testament. Of course, this account is recorded by Holy Spirit in fulfillment of prophecy, just as many other scriptures are. And the prophecies go all the way back to Genesis 49, and the record of the blessing of the children of Jacob, including Judah, who is named as being the son from whom the line of Christ was to come. And the prophecies continue all the way through the Old Testament, right up through the Psalms, as far as Zechariah. But I don't have much discernment when it comes to prophecy, so that should be enough to get you started on a study of your own.
Well, as I've already said, this is a very unique picture of our Lord as He made His way to Jerusalem to fulfill His eternal purpose, and the time seemed like it would never come (see chapt. 6.15 and 7.6, eg.). And then, there are other events not recorded for us in John's account, of course. For example, there is no mention of Jesus weeping, or of the possibility of the stones crying-out their praises; but what an event! So let's consider the first point in our passage...
1. The crowd, Jn. 12.12-18
Now I'm not too much on Bible symbolism, either; the literal account is difficult enough for me to percolate, but sometimes it's pretty obvious. The fact of the matter is, Israel wanted a King, and to them, Jesus had all the qualifications; and there was enough of a crowd gathered in Jerusalem for the Passover to elevate Him to their throne, if He was to allow it. At the very least, cause an uproar that Rome wouldn't forget for awhile...or the Chief Priest or the Pharisees either. It was pretty clear that their concern was not for the spiritual significance of Jesus' arrival, or for the eternal significance, either one. This crowd had their own purposes in mind...selfish purposes...political purposes. They had been suppressed and repressed, and they were getting de-pressed, but now, to them it seemed, their time had come.
You know, very little has changed in all this time. We still have people today, being elevated into the political arena with some agenda or another in mind. I know...I've been there! It's a pretty appealing prospect for most people...except Jesus! He knew the cries of, "Hosanna...blessed is He that cometh in the Name of the Lord", would soon turn to, "Crucify Him", and "Give us Barabbas!" But, the Lord's will be done, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.
Now as I've mentioned, this crowd was gathering at Jerusalem, the capital of Israel, the center of Jewish worship, and the location of the temple, and many of them, as we see from vss. 12 and 18, had been anticipating Jesus' arrival, at least since the spread of the news of Lazarus' resurrection. And there was already a holiday atmosphere there, just like at your Municipal exhibition or at the church picnic. And the things that were taking place were not out of place, either, because back in Leviticus, where the account of the Feast of Tabernacles was instituted, being the week prior-to Pentecost, God had commanded that a family holiday should be observed, which included the use of palm branches to build brush tents to stay in, so there would have been lots of palms available to use in their worship of Him!
Now we've already established that prophecy was being fulfilled in these verses, as John points out there in vss. 13-15. But notice that neither John, nor the other disciples, understood that at the time. It was not till after Jesus appeared to them in His glorified body that their spiritual eyes were opened. See how like those original disciples we are? And like those later, Spirit-filled disciples we could be?! Just think of the potential there is, just in one tiny church fellowship! My oh my...the things we could do for Jesus! And the key to eternity is in the door! Jesus drew attention to Himself by entering Jerusalem in the way, and at the time that he did. And He was later to draw sinners to Himself, in the way that, and at the time that He did. And He is the Door, and He is the Key, and He is, and was, Salvation itself, for Israel, and for us! In fact, although the key was right in the door..."these things understood not, His disciples." So let's consider for a minute...
2. The commotion, vss. 19-22
Luke's account in Luke 19.37-40 has this to say...(read).
We humans have a very human nature, don't we? Jesus had power to rebuke His disciples, and had done just that, on previous occasions. He had power to rebuke the wind and the waves, along with the rest of His creation, if He had a mind-to. But rebuke those who worship Him?! Never! The Pharisees were concerned at the conduct of Christ, as well as His cause. They had their own cause, and their own politics and their own reputation to be concerned-with, and Jesus proved to be more than a match for them. And they were at a loss as to how, and why. So there was a commotion in the temple, and in the power houses of the day. But there was also a commotion from the come-from-aways. The Greeks, who were in town for the Feast, got wind of Jesus. And this is also, right in line with what we know from Scripture, that..."Jesus came to the Jews first, and then to the Greeks" (Acts 1.8). This was all within the will of God. And notice vs. 21; they desired Him..."Sir, we would see Jesus"! Do you desire Jesus? Do you wish to see Jesus? Well look no further; you can see Him right here in the Book, and, I pray, in your church, and in the lives of the saints. All you need to do, is open your spiritual eyes!
Remember that we read back in chapt. 1.11-12...(read).
God's purposes and timing are right on track. You and I are right where we need to be, in order to see Jesus, just like those Greeks.! The veil of the temple would soon be torn in two, which would allow those Greeks, and us too, to have direct access to Him; we don't have to go looking for permission anymore, thank-you Jesus! He tells the whole story, as recorded there in vs. 23..."The hour has come...". Those Greeks had the green light; The "Sir, we would see...", had turned to the ..."Come unto Me..."!
All the miracles, all the teaching and all the truth is summed-up right here..."The hour is come..."; and it had come for all, and when Jesus was glorified, it was in order for us and for those Greeks to be glorified, if they chose to believe and receive. And so, men and women and children still come to Jesus, not because "seeing is believing", but because "believing is seeing"!
King, indeed!

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