Tuesday, October 2, 2012

5. Lesson 1...Parts 3 & 4

3. The problem of creation, 1.10-11

Now I’ve already written, really, about the problem of creation, and although it is no problem for the most of us, it sure is for God…and it has a name, and it’s name is…S-I-N! God was dealing with sin in the best possible way, and with the best possible eternal consequences…but also, the worst eternal consequences. You see, as we already read in v. 5, when Jesus came down to this sinful world, He shed His light into the darkness of mans’ sinful selves, and the darkness of sin wouldn’t even allow man to comprehend the difference. And men still don’t comprehend it, because our deeds are evil (3.19)! And the eternal consequences will be horrible! But when the light of Jesus breaks through the darkness of sin, all that changes, just as I, along with the billions of others changed can attest!

So sure enough, the problem of sin raised its ugly head again, very shortly after the Creator created, and came to a head very shortly after the birth of Christ. We read in v. 10 that…”the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not.” What a sad, sad commentary on the state of our Lord’s creation. His fingerprints are on every thing…living, and otherwise, and yet…”the world knew Him not”! Man thinks we have a pretty good knowledge of the natural world, reaching out into the darkness of the universe, but still, the world chooses to neglect the One Who created it all! And for us, that’s a problem. And a very serious problem! Not just the problem of not knowing Him, but also, as v. 11 points out, the problem of not receiving Him, the issues of knowing (or believing) and receiving, being inseparable. And the Jewish people (that is, His own people) had, and still have the problem, along with the rest of us, right here in this time and place.

As I said in the beginning of this study, this problem will be the recurring theme all throughout this gospel record. And it should be no surprise to us, any more than it is to God that, as Matt. 7.14 says, there will be few who will find the Way and the Door to eternal life. But God doesn’t leave us in a pickle because, believe it or not, He makes us a promise. And that is…

4. The promise of creation, 1.12-17

So if “the world knew Him not…”, and “His own received Him not…”, are the purposes of God defeated?! Emphatically, NO! As Prov. 19.21 says…”the counsel of the Lord will stand”. And as our v. 12 says, that…”as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name”. There are those who, because of the great Plan of God, become as v.13 states…”born of God”; and as v. 16 says, all have the opportunity, and not just once, either, to experience the fulness of His grace, grace and more grace! God’s grace is inexhaustible, and as it states in no uncertain terms in v. 17…”grace and truth came by Jesus Christ”. He came to defeat sin, and that’s His Promise!

Yes, believe it or not, while…”some murmur”, and “some are offended”, and “some (go) back and (walk) no more with Him” as the scriptures tell us, we read in Romans 5.21 that …”grace reigns through righteousness unto eternal life, by Jesus Christ our Lord”! What a promise to such a sinner as I!

Next time…”And the Word Was Made Flesh”!

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